NGL  6.5
The NCCA Graphics Library
ngl Directory Reference
+ Directory dependency graph for ngl:


directory  fmt
directory  rapidjson
directory  rapidxml


file  AABB.h [code]
 an Axis Aligned Bounding Box
file  AbstractMesh.h [code]
 a series of classes used to define an abstract 3D mesh of Faces, Vertex Normals and TexCords
file  AbstractSerializer.h [code]
 this class is the base class for all NGL serialisation code
file  AbstractVAO.h [code]
file  BBox.h [code]
 a simple bounding box class
file  BezierCurve.h [code]
 basic BezierCurve using CoxDeBoor algorithm
file  Camera.h [code]
 a simple camera class based on the Hill Book
file  Colour.h [code]
 a simple colour class for RGBA colour
file  eglew.h [code]
file  glew.h [code]
file  glxew.h [code]
file  HoudiniGeo.h [code]
 inherited from AbstractMesh to load houdini geometry
file  Image.h [code]
 A generic Image loader / wrapper for different Image libs this allows us to load an image to be used (for example) in the Texture class as there are many different ways to do this this class has compile time options to choose the image loading library to use At present support is going to be QImage (for Qt builds) ImageMagic, OpenImageIO DevIL Image data will be stored in either RGB or RGBA contiguos unsigned char data.
file  Light.h [code]
 an encapsulation of an OpenGL Light
file  Logger.h [code]
file  Mat3.h [code]
 a simple 3x3 TX matrix
file  Mat4.h [code]
file  Material.h [code]
file  MultiBufferVAO.h [code]
file  NCCABinMesh.h [code]
 inherited from AbstractMesh export and load binary data in our own format
file  NCCAPointBake.h [code]
 simple point baked animation data for animation data export
file  NGLassert.h [code]
 re impliment asserts so we don't exit on failure
file  NGLInit.h [code]
 basic class to initialise the NGL library
file  NGLStream.h [code]
 stream helpers for ngl data types
file  Obj.h [code]
 basic obj loader inherits from AbstractMesh
file  PathCamera.h [code]
 a simple camera attached to a path inherits from Camera
file  Plane.h [code]
 a simple mathmatical representation of a plane
file  Quaternion.h [code]
 Defines the class Quaternion based on John Vinces lecture notes basically we have a scalar part and then a vector part (stored as x,y,z) each component of the Quat is stored as a Real value.
file  Random.h [code]
 an encapsulation of the std::random classes
file  RibExport.h [code]
 a simple rib exporter function
file  Shader.h [code]
file  ShaderLib.h [code]
 main shader loader / manager class for GLSL shaders
file  ShaderProgram.h [code]
file  SimpleIndexVAO.h [code]
file  SimpleVAO.h [code]
file  Singleton.h [code]
 a simple singleton template inherited by other classes
file  SpotLight.h [code]
 Encapsulation of OpenGL spotlight inherits from the Light class.
file  Text.h [code]
 Basic text rendering for OpenGL 3.x.
file  Texture.h [code]
 a simple texture loader / GL texture object
file  Transformation.h [code]
 a simple transformation object containing rot / tx / scale and final matrix
file  Types.h [code]
 main definition of types and namespace
file  Util.h [code]
 some useful definitions and functions
file  VAOFactory.h [code]
file  VAOPrimitives.h [code]
file  Vec2.h [code]
 a simple 2 tuple container for compatibility with glsl
file  Vec3.h [code]
 a simple 3 tuple container for compatibility with glsl
file  Vec4.h [code]
 encapsulates a 4d Homogenous Point / Vector object
file  VertexArrayObject.h [code]
 a class to store an OpenGL VAO
file  wglew.h [code]
file  XMLSerializer.h [code]
 XML Serialization for NGL.