Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AddChildCollidersA tool to manipulate the colliders of all child MeshFilter objects recursively
AIAgentAn artificially intelligent agent designed to navigate a competitor around a track via a network of connected AIPathNodes
AIPathNodeA node in an AI network to indicate where to go
AveragePositionControllerA simple controller to position a GameObject at the average position and rotation of two other objects
BeerTokenSimple trigger behaviour class for all beer token items
BoostTokenSimple trigger behaviour class for all boost token items
ButtonEventButton events class
CameraControllerA third-person camera controller class
CharacterMenuMenu for selecting riders, mounts and skins for each player
CharacterSetA set of game objects and materials that form character choices
CheckpointTrack checkpoint
ColorListA container for a list of colours to be added to any game object
CompetitorPlayer and AI competitor
CompetitorAnimationAnimation for the mounts and riders of the game
CompetitorControllerController for all competitors: players and AI agent controlled characters
ConstraintControllerA simple controller to allow a GameObject to copy transform data from one or more other GameObjects
CurvePathBezier path curve
CurvePathNodeCurve path tangent control point
GameSettingsData transfer object to pass settings from the menu system into the chosen track scene
GameSoundsA library of sounds
GameUIGeneral game UI links
HUDIn-game head up display for each player
MainGameCentral game object from which the players and other properties can be accessed
MapUIUI for the in-game map
NullMarkerA scene view marker for null objects
ObjectSpawnerSpawns items at the position and orientation of the spawner
OutOfBoundsTriggerSimple trigger to complement out of bounds checking with extra boxed regions
PathConstraintA simple controller to allow a GameObject to follow a path whilst optionally looking at a target object
GameSettings.PlayerSettingsSetting for a player
PreviewCameraControllerA simple controller to preview the level through a camera
RaceParametersParameters generated by the combination of rider and mount
RaceStatisticsStatistics updated for each character and used to sort and find the racer's position in the race
RiderPrefabAdditional data attached to rider prefabs
ScoreboardUIUI for the final race scores
SimpleAnimationVery simple animation controller, updates transformation data each frame
SoundSamplerA workaround for the fact that Unity supports only a single AudioListener
SoundSourceA workaround for the fact that Unity supports only a single sound sampler
TokenToken base class for all collectable items
UIBackdropUser interface backdrop class
UIBaseBase class for all UI components
UIButtonUser interface button class
UIButtonBlockUser interface button block class
UICreditsUser interface button class
UICroppedButtonUser interface button class
UICroppedImageUser interface image class
UICursorsUser interface cursors
UIImageUser interface image class
UILabelUser interface label class
UIManagerManager class required by all UI components
UISkinButtonsUser interface button class that, depending on where the user clicks, causes a second ButtonEvent with the sub-button index appended to the buttonAction
UISplashScreenUser interface button class
ValidityChecksA tool for checking Unity assets for missing meshes, materials and other properties
WiiPoller.WiimoteDataData from a Wii remote
WiiPollerA wrapper class to allow Wii remote data to be polled on each game update step

Generated on Fri Aug 21 09:09:57 2009 for Hamlington Underground Racing Association by  doxygen 1.6.0