DeferredRenderer 1.0

File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
Application.cpp [code]
Application.h [code]File Containing the Application class
Effect.cpp [code]
Effect.h [code]File containing the Effect class
FrameBufferObject.cpp [code]
FrameBufferObject.h [code]Interface for the FrameBufferObject class
Frustum.cpp [code]
Frustum.h [code]Interface for Frustum class
GLWindow.cpp [code]
GLWindow.h [code]Main workhorse of the application
LightingManager.cpp [code]
LightingManager.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
NGLMath.cpp [code]
NGLMath.h [code]Some maths functions to fill some cracks in NGL maths
PointLight.cpp [code]
PointLight.h [code]
PostProcessor.cpp [code]
PostProcessor.h [code]File containgin PostProcessor interface
Scene.cpp [code]
Scene.h [code]
ScreenQuad.cpp [code]
ScreenQuad.h [code]File containing ScreenQuad
ShadowSpot.cpp [code]
ShadowSpot.h [code]
SpotLight.cpp [code]
SpotLight.h [code]
Texture.cpp [code]
Texture.h [code]Interface for a GL Texture
TextureManager.cpp [code]
TextureManager.h [code]File contaioning TextureManager
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