Eulerian Smoke Simulation on the GPU
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
include/BufferObject.h [code]OpenGL buffer object class
include/ComputeEngine.h [code]An OpenCL compute engine. This class is modified from :- Apple Inc. (2011). OpenCL Procedural Grass and Terrain Example. / compute_engine.h available at: accessed at 25/05/11
include/ComputeUtil.h [code]
include/FluidEngine.h [code]A fluid engine class
include/GasSolver.h [code]A gas solver class
include/GLUtil.h [code]A set of generic computation utility functions
include/GLWindow.h [code]The Qt OpenGL window widget
include/ImageUnitStack.h [code]A stack that manages the OpenGL texture image units
include/ImplicitSurface.h [code]Class that samples an implicit surface
include/MainWindow.h [code]A main window class
include/Obstacle.h [code]A class that creates a simulation obstacle
include/PingPongVolume.h [code]A class that creates a volume for GPU ping pong operations
include/Texture.h [code]A base class for creating OpenGL texture objects
include/Texture1D.h [code]A class for creating 1D textures
include/Texture2D.h [code]A class for creating 2D textures
include/Texture3D.h [code]A class for creating 3D textures
include/VertexArrayObject.h [code]A class for creating OpenGL Vertex Array Objects
include/VolumeMesher.h [code]A class that creates a polygonal mesh from a volume
include/VolumeSlicer.h [code]A class that renders a volume's (3D texture) slice
kernels/Advect.clA semi-Lagrangian advection kernel
kernels/ApplyBuoyancy.clA buoyancy application kernel
kernels/ApplyImpulse.clAn impulse application kernel
kernels/ComputeDivergence.clA kernel that computes the velocity field divergence
kernels/PoissonSolve.clPoisson solver kernel
kernels/SubtractGradient.clA kernel that subtracts the pressure gradient from a divergent velocity field
shaders/Blinn.fsA basic Blinn fragment shader for generated iso-surfaces
shaders/Constant.fsA basic unshaded constant colour fragment shader
shaders/ConstantDepr.vsVertex shader that multiplies the vertex positions with the Model-View-Projection matrix. It uses deprecated functionality and is used solely with Constant.fs for the rendering of NGL VBO primitives
shaders/DividingCubes.gsA dividing cubes geometry shader
shaders/InVert.vsA simple vertex shader that outputs the incoming vertex positions to the next processing stage
shaders/MarchingCubes.gsMarching cubes geometry shader
shaders/MvpVert.vsA vertex shader that multiplies the vertex positions with the Model-View-Projection matrix
shaders/OutTexCoords.vsA vertex shader that outputs
shaders/VolumeSliceDraw.fsA fragment shader that renders a slice of a 3D texture (volume)
src/BufferObject.cppImplementation file for the Buffer Object class
src/ComputeEngine.cppImplementation file for the Compute Engine class
src/ComputeUtil.cppImplementation file for the Compute Utility functions
src/FluidEngine.cppImplementation file for the Fluid Engine class
src/GasSolver.cppImplementation file for the Gas Solver class
src/GLUtil.cppImplementation file for the OpenGL Utility functions
src/GLWindow.cppImplementation file for the OpenGL Window class
src/ImageUnitStack.cppImplementation file for the Image Unit Stack class
src/main.cppImplementation file for the applications's main function
src/MainWindow.cppImplementation file for the Main Window class
src/Obstacle.cppImplementation file for the Obstacle class
src/PingPongVolume.cppImplementation file for the Ping-Pong Volume class
src/Texture.cppImplementation file for the Texture class
src/Texture1D.cppImplementation file for the Texture 1D class
src/Texture2D.cppImplementation file for the Texture 2D class
src/Texture3D.cppImplementation file for the Texture 3D class
src/VertexArrayObject.cppImplementation file for the OpenGL Vertex Array Object class
src/VolumeMesher.cppImplementation file for the Volume Mesher class
src/VolumeSlicer.cppImplementation file for the Volume Slicer class
ui/ui_MainWindow.h [code]
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