Eulerian Smoke Simulation on the GPU
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
BufferObjectA class for creating OpenGL Buffer Objects
ComputeEngineA class for managing an OpenCL context and all its relevant functions
FluidEngineA container class that simulates smoke and renders it as a mesh or as a 2D plane
GasSolverAn OpenCL gas solver, that writes the simulation fields to 3D OpenGL textures
GLWindowThe Qt OpenGL window widget
ImageUnitA class to hold a texture image unit's sampler index and a flag to indicate if its available or not
ImageUnitStackA class for managing the available OpenGL texture image units in a rendering context
ImplicitSurfaceA class that samples an implicit surface on a Cartesian grid
MainWindowA class that implements a main window widget
ObstacleA class that creates a simulation obstacle
PingPongVolumeA class that creates a volume for GPU ping pong operations. It employs a 3D texture for reading and a pixel buffer object for writting
TextureA base class for creating OpenGL texture objects
Texture1DA class for creating 1D textures
Texture2DA class for creating 2D textures
Texture3DA class for creating 3D textures
VertexArrayObjectA class for creating OpenGL Vertex Array Objects
VertexAttributeA class to hold a vertex attribute's index and data buffer handle
VolumeMesherA class that polygonizes a scalar field using the marching cubes and dividing cubes algorithms
VolumeSlicerA class that renders a one slice of a 3D texture as a unit plane
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