Lagrangian Liquid Simulation
Master Thesis project on simulation of liquids using Lagrangian approach and SPH
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CacheManage list of cache items per frame and writes them to disk at a regular interval
CacheItemStore a list of positions per frame and is flushed to disk by the Cache class
CapsuleSpecialised particle that represent a capsule
ConfigurationStatic class that deals with reading of xml configuration file and initialisations
EnvironmentStores all rigid bodies and boundary and manages interaction among rigid bodies, fluids and the boundary
FluidParticleStores all attributes for a fluid for use with SPH
IntegrationHandles integration to find next position and velocity of particles
MainAppAll the UI extended from MainWindow.ui and our GLWindow
NeighbourImplements spatial hashing for the search of particle neighbours
ParticleBase particle class to all others, it is used and extended to represent fluid and rigid bodies
ShaderLibraryLiase with ngl::ShaderLib to provide higher level access and manipulation to/from shaders
ShaderObjectBase object used to store shader info from the config file
SimulationCreates all other objects for the simulation and provides central management and communication with all of them and the gui
SolverCreates fluid particles and perform SPH fluid simulation at every iteration
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator