DLA-Fire-Prediction-Thesis 1.0

DLAStructure Class Reference

This class build the DLA structure in the specific area, wind direction and size. More...

#include <DLAStructure.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DLAStructure ()
 default ctor of DLA structure
 DLAStructure (std::vector< FuelPoint > _gridPointList, std::vector< FuelObject > _objectPointList, ngl::Vector _originPoint, int _sceneWidth, int _sceneHeight, float _pointRadius, int _dlaSize, ngl::Vector _windDirection, int _windSpeed)
 ctor of DLA structure
 DLAStructure (std::vector< FuelPoint > _gridPointList, std::vector< FuelObject > _objectPointList, ngl::Vector _originPoint, int _sceneWidth, int _sceneHeight, float _pointRadius, std::vector< FuelPoint > _previousDLAPoint, std::vector< FuelPoint > _otherOriginList, int _currentOriginIndex, int _dlaSize, ngl::Vector _windDirection, int _windSpeed)
 ctor of DLA structure
void findPath (FuelPoint m_originPoint)
 This method will find the next dla point.
void assignDLA (ngl::Vector m_newDLAPoint, ngl::Vector m_seed, int m_generationNumber)
 This method will apply the new dla point to the dla list with the specific generation number.
ngl::Vector moveRandomPoint (ngl::Vector m_currentPoint, int m_mode)
 This method will move the current random point to the new random position.
int findFarthestPos (int m_numberOne, int m_numberTwo, int m_numberThree)
 This method will find the farthest side of given position.
int findMaximumSide (ngl::Vector m_travelerPos, ngl::Vector m_seedPos)
 This method will find the farthest distance side between two given position.
int findSideOfMaximumPosition (ngl::Vector m_travelerPos, ngl::Vector m_seedPos, int m_maximumSide)
 This method will find the side of current traveler point that should not move.
int checkCollision (ngl::Vector m_travelerPos)
 This method will check each time step when the traveler randomly moved that it is hit any dla point or not.
ngl::Vector getRandomPosition (ngl::Vector m_currentPos, float m_radius, int m_randomMode)
 This method will find the random point in the area of specific circle around the origin point.
float setDecimalValue (float m_number, int m_decimalPlaces)
 This method will set the specific number to have the specific decimal places.
ngl::Vector checkBoundary (ngl::Vector m_newDLAPoint)
 This method will check if the fire path goes further than the boundary area or not. If yes, the path at the edge will be assigned.
int checkCollisionWithNonFlammableObject (ngl::Vector m_newDLAPoint)
 This method will check the collision with non-flammable object.
void adaptPoint ()
 This method will adjust the position of DLA point on flat grid with the terrain height.
float getCurrentYPos (ngl::Vector m_currentDLAPos)
 This method will compare current point on flat grid to the point list of terrain and then the new Y-position will be returned.
std::vector< FuelPointgetDLAList ()
 This method will return the DLA list.
std::vector< FuelPointgetDLALine ()
 This method will return the DLA list that represents as the seed of each following point.
void arrangeList ()
 This method will sort the DLA List with respecting to its generation number.
int checkCollisionWithOtherDLA (ngl::Vector m_newDLAPoint)
 This method will check the collision with other DLA structure.
int checkCollisionWithOtherOrigin (ngl::Vector m_newDLAPoint)
 This method will check the collision with other Origin Point.

Private Attributes

int m_sceneWidth
 width size of fire area
int m_sceneHeight
 height size of fire area
std::vector< FuelPointm_scenePointList
 the list contains all points on the scene that are available to catch the fire
std::vector< FuelPointm_dlaLine
 the list contians the seed point of each new dla points
std::vector< FuelPointm_dlaList
 the list contains the new dla points
std::vector< FuelObjectm_objList
 the list contains the fuel objects
float m_circleRadius
 radius of circle for the random point area in dla progress
float m_pointRadius
 radius of the point
float m_dlaPointDistance
 radius between dla point or the distance between each dla point
int m_dlaSize
 size of dla per origin point
ngl::Vector m_originSeed
 the origin point position
std::vector< FuelPointm_otherOriginList
 the list of origin point on the whold fire area
bool m_checkForm
 the flag to check the building DLA structure with other built DLA structure
ngl::Vector m_windDir
 the wind direction
int m_windSpeed
 the wind speed
bool m_windEnabled
 the wind flag
std::vector< FuelPointm_previousDLAList
 the list of point on previous DLA structure
int m_currentOriginIndex
 the current index of origin
int m_distanceForm
 the appropriate distance of DLA point

Detailed Description

This class build the DLA structure in the specific area, wind direction and size.

Definition at line 30 of file DLAStructure.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DLAStructure::DLAStructure ( )

default ctor of DLA structure

Definition at line 20 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References findPath(), m_checkForm, m_circleRadius, m_dlaLine, m_dlaList, m_dlaPointDistance, m_dlaSize, m_objList, m_originSeed, m_pointRadius, m_sceneHeight, m_scenePointList, and m_sceneWidth.

    // set list back to initial size
    std::vector<FuelObject> m_objZero;
    m_objList = m_objZero;
    std::vector<FuelPoint> m_pntZero;
    m_dlaLine = m_pntZero;
    m_dlaList = m_pntZero;
    m_scenePointList = m_pntZero;

    m_originSeed = ngl::Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    m_scenePointList.push_back(FuelPoint(m_originSeed, 0));

    m_objList.push_back(FuelObject(ngl::Vector(4.0,0.0,0.0), 0, 1));

    m_sceneWidth = 30;
    m_sceneHeight = 30;

    m_pointRadius = 0.1;

    m_circleRadius = 2.0;
    m_dlaPointDistance = m_pointRadius*2;
    m_dlaSize = 800;

    m_checkForm = false;
    std::cout<<"...Please Be Patient the Fire Path is Building..."<<std::endl;

    FuelPoint m_origin = m_scenePointList[0];

Here is the call graph for this function:

DLAStructure::DLAStructure ( std::vector< FuelPoint _gridPointList,
std::vector< FuelObject _objectPointList,
ngl::Vector  _originPoint,
int  _sceneWidth,
int  _sceneHeight,
float  _pointRadius,
int  _dlaSize,
ngl::Vector  _windDirection,
int  _windSpeed 

ctor of DLA structure

_gridPointListis the list of every point in the scene
_objectPointListis the list of object position on the scene
_originPointis the origin position
_scenceWidthis the width size of the scene
_sceneHeightis the height size of the scene
_pointRadiusis the radius of point on the scene and the distance between point for DLA
_dlaSizeis the size of DLA as the input of user
_windDirectionis the wind direction of the scene
_windSpeedis the wind speed of the scene

Definition at line 52 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References adaptPoint(), arrangeList(), findPath(), m_checkForm, m_circleRadius, m_currentOriginIndex, m_distanceForm, m_dlaLine, m_dlaList, m_dlaPointDistance, m_dlaSize, m_objList, m_originSeed, m_pointRadius, m_sceneHeight, m_scenePointList, m_sceneWidth, m_windDir, m_windEnabled, and m_windSpeed.

    // set list back to initial size
    std::vector<FuelObject> m_objZero;
    m_objList = m_objZero;
    std::vector<FuelPoint> m_pntZero;
    m_dlaLine = m_pntZero;
    m_dlaList = m_pntZero;
    m_scenePointList = m_pntZero;

    // assign origin point
    m_originSeed = _originPoint;
    m_scenePointList.push_back(FuelPoint(m_originSeed, 0));
    FuelPoint m_origin = m_scenePointList[0];

    // assign terrain point to the list
    m_scenePointList = _gridPointList;

    m_windDir = _windDirection;
    m_windSpeed = _windSpeed;

        m_windEnabled = true;
        m_windEnabled = false;

    m_objList = _objectPointList;

    m_sceneWidth = _sceneWidth;
    m_sceneHeight = _sceneHeight;

    m_pointRadius = _pointRadius;
    m_currentOriginIndex = 0;
    m_distanceForm = 1.4;

    m_circleRadius = 2.0;
    m_dlaPointDistance = m_pointRadius*2;
    m_dlaSize = _dlaSize;

    m_checkForm = false;

    std::cout<<"...Please Be Patient the Fire Path is Building..."<<std::endl;


Here is the call graph for this function:

DLAStructure::DLAStructure ( std::vector< FuelPoint _gridPointList,
std::vector< FuelObject _objectPointList,
ngl::Vector  _originPoint,
int  _sceneWidth,
int  _sceneHeight,
float  _pointRadius,
std::vector< FuelPoint _previousDLAPoint,
std::vector< FuelPoint _otherOriginList,
int  _currentOriginIndex,
int  _dlaSize,
ngl::Vector  _windDirection,
int  _windSpeed 

ctor of DLA structure

_gridPointListis the list of every point in the scene
_objectPointListis the list of object position on the scene
_originPointis the origin position
_scenceWidthis the width size of the scene
_sceneHeightis the height size of the scene
_pointRadiusis the radius of point on the scene and the distance between point for DLA
_previousDLAPointis the list of previous DLA form that was generated
_otherOriginListis the list of all origin points on the scene
_currentOriginIndexis the current index from origin list
_dlaSizeis the size of DLA as the input of user
_windDirectionis the wind direction of the scene
_windSpeedis the wind speed of the scene

Definition at line 111 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References adaptPoint(), arrangeList(), findPath(), m_checkForm, m_circleRadius, m_currentOriginIndex, m_distanceForm, m_dlaLine, m_dlaList, m_dlaPointDistance, m_dlaSize, m_objList, m_originSeed, m_otherOriginList, m_pointRadius, m_previousDLAList, m_sceneHeight, m_scenePointList, m_sceneWidth, m_windDir, m_windEnabled, and m_windSpeed.

    // set list back to initial size
    std::vector<FuelObject> m_objZero;
    m_objList = m_objZero;
    std::vector<FuelPoint> m_pntZero;
    m_dlaLine = m_pntZero;
    m_dlaList = m_pntZero;
    m_scenePointList = m_pntZero;

    // assign origin point
    m_originSeed = _originPoint;
    m_scenePointList.push_back(FuelPoint(m_originSeed, 0));
    FuelPoint m_origin = m_scenePointList[0];

    // assign terrain point to the list
    m_scenePointList = _gridPointList;

    m_windDir = _windDirection;
    m_windSpeed = _windSpeed;

        m_windEnabled = true;
        m_windEnabled = false;

    m_objList = _objectPointList;

    m_sceneWidth = _sceneWidth;
    m_sceneHeight = _sceneHeight;

    m_pointRadius = _pointRadius;

    m_circleRadius = 2.0;
    m_dlaPointDistance = m_pointRadius*2;
    m_dlaSize = _dlaSize;
    m_distanceForm = 0.0;

    m_checkForm = true;

    m_otherOriginList = _otherOriginList;
    m_currentOriginIndex = _currentOriginIndex;

    m_previousDLAList = _previousDLAPoint;

    std::cout<<"...Please Be Patient the Fire Path is Building..."<<std::endl;


Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void DLAStructure::adaptPoint ( )

This method will adjust the position of DLA point on flat grid with the terrain height.

Definition at line 178 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getBurningTime(), getCurrentYPos(), FuelPoint::getGeneration(), FuelPoint::getPosition(), m_dlaLine, m_dlaList, FuelPoint::setBurningTime(), FuelPoint::setGeneration(), and FuelPoint::setPosition().

    // ----- deal with m_dlaList, m_dlaLine, and m_scenePointList
    for(unsigned int s=0; s<m_dlaList.size(); ++s)
        FuelPoint m_dlaPoint = m_dlaList[s];
        ngl::Vector m_dlaPos = m_dlaPoint.getPosition();

        float m_adaptedYPos = getCurrentYPos(m_dlaPos);

        m_dlaPos.m_y = m_adaptedYPos;

        m_dlaList[s] = m_dlaPoint;

    for(unsigned int t=0; t<m_dlaLine.size(); ++t)
        FuelPoint m_dlaPoint = m_dlaLine[t];
        ngl::Vector m_dlaPos = m_dlaPoint.getPosition();

        float m_adaptedYPos = getCurrentYPos(m_dlaPos);

        m_dlaPos.m_y = m_adaptedYPos;

        m_dlaLine[t] = m_dlaPoint;

    // ----- insert new burning time, refers to the slope
    for(unsigned int r=0; r<m_dlaLine.size(); ++r)
        FuelPoint m_firstPoint = m_dlaList[r];
        ngl::Vector m_firstPointPos = m_firstPoint.getPosition();

        FuelPoint m_secondPoint = m_dlaLine[r];
        ngl::Vector m_secondPointPos = m_secondPoint.getPosition();

        float m_firstYPos = m_firstPointPos.m_y;//*1000;
        float m_secondYPos = m_secondPointPos.m_y;//*1000;

        float m_diffYLevel = m_secondYPos - m_firstYPos;
        int m_adjustValue = m_diffYLevel/0.1;
        float m_firstPointBurningTime = m_firstPoint.getBurningTime();

        float m_newBurningTime = m_firstPointBurningTime + m_adjustValue;

        m_dlaList[r] = m_firstPoint;

        m_dlaLine[r] = m_secondPoint;

    // ----- manage generation
    for(unsigned int u=0; u<m_dlaList.size(); ++u)
        FuelPoint m= m_dlaList[u];

        // decrease the generation
            // get suitable generation
            FuelPoint m_headLine = m_dlaLine[u];
            ngl::Vector m_headLinePos = m_headLine.getPosition();
            int m_index = 0;
            for(unsigned int j=0; j<m_dlaList.size(); ++j)
                FuelPoint m_previousPoint = m_dlaList[j];
                ngl::Vector m_previousPointPos = m_previousPoint.getPosition();

                    m_index = j;
            FuelPoint m_headPoint = m_dlaList[m_index];
            int m_currentGen = m_headPoint.getGeneration();

            // decrease burning time

            m_dlaList[u] = m;

            FuelPoint m_line = m_dlaLine[u];
            m_dlaLine[u] = m_line;
        else if(m.getBurningTime()>10)
            int m_currentGen = m.getGeneration();

            // decrease burning time
          //  m.setBurningTime(m.getBurningTime()-2);

            m_dlaList[u] = m;

            FuelPoint m_line = m_dlaLine[u];
            m_dlaLine[u] = m_line;
            // decrease burning time
           // m.setBurningTime(m.getBurningTime()-3);

            //int m_currentGen = m.getGeneration();
           // m.setGeneration(m_currentGen+1);
            m_dlaList[u] = m;

            FuelPoint m_line = m_dlaLine[u];
           // m_line.setGeneration(m_currentGen+1);
            m_dlaLine[u] = m_line;
        } // end if-elst burning time condition

    } // end for loop of generation number managing

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void DLAStructure::arrangeList ( )

This method will sort the DLA List with respecting to its generation number.

Definition at line 1003 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getGeneration(), FuelPoint::getPosition(), m_dlaLine, m_dlaList, and FuelPoint::setPosition().

    // get maximum generation
    int m_generationCounterForHeadLine=0;
    for(unsigned int k=0; k<m_dlaLine.size(); ++k)
        FuelPoint m = m_dlaLine[k];
            m_generationCounterForHeadLine = m.getGeneration();

    // put the generation counter to the first point of the list at the value of w
    FuelPoint m_firstPointLine = m_dlaLine[0];
    ngl::Vector m_firstLine = m_firstPointLine.getPosition();
    m_firstLine.m_w = m_generationCounterForHeadLine;
    m_dlaLine[0] = m_firstPointLine;

    int m_generationCounter = 0;
    for(unsigned int j=0; j<m_dlaList.size(); ++j)
        FuelPoint n = m_dlaList[j];
            m_generationCounter = n.getGeneration();

    m_firstPointLine = m_dlaList[0];
    m_firstLine = m_firstPointLine.getPosition();
    m_firstLine.m_w = m_generationCounterForHeadLine;
    m_dlaList[0] = m_firstPointLine;

    // ----- sort the dlaList list
    std::vector<FuelPoint> m_dlaArrangedList;

    // arrange the list
    for(int g=0; g<=m_generationCounter; ++g)
        std::vector<FuelPoint> m_arrangedList;

        for(unsigned int h=0; h<m_dlaList.size(); ++h)
            FuelPoint m_genPoint = m_dlaList[h];
            int m_genNumber = m_genPoint.getGeneration();


        // input the list
            m_dlaArrangedList = m_arrangedList;
            for(unsigned int e=0; e<m_arrangedList.size(); ++e)
                FuelPoint m_arrangePoint = m_arrangedList[e];
            } // end for loop
        } // end if-else
    } // end for loop arrange list

    m_dlaList = m_dlaArrangedList;

    // ----- sort the dlaLine list
    std::vector<FuelPoint> m_dlaArrangedLine;

    // arrange the list
    for(int g=0; g<=m_generationCounterForHeadLine; ++g)
        std::vector<FuelPoint> m_arrangedLine;

        for(unsigned int h=0; h<m_dlaLine.size(); ++h)
            FuelPoint m_genPoint = m_dlaLine[h];
            int m_genNumber = m_genPoint.getGeneration();


        // input the list
            m_dlaArrangedLine = m_arrangedLine;
            for(unsigned int e=0; e<m_arrangedLine.size(); ++e)
                FuelPoint m_arrangePoint = m_arrangedLine[e];
            } // end for loop
        } // end if-else
    } // end for loop arrange list

    m_dlaLine = m_dlaArrangedLine;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void DLAStructure::assignDLA ( ngl::Vector  m_newDLAPoint,
ngl::Vector  m_seed,
int  m_generationNumber 

This method will apply the new dla point to the dla list with the specific generation number.

m_newDLAPointis the position of new dla point
m_seedis the position of dla seed point
m_generationNumberis the current generation number that would be added to the new dla point

Definition at line 729 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getBurningTime(), m_dlaLine, m_dlaList, m_originSeed, m_windDir, m_windEnabled, m_windSpeed, FuelPoint::setBurningTime(), and FuelPoint::setGeneration().

    // insert the distance from origin
    ngl::Vector m_distanceFromOrigin = m_newDLAPoint - m_originSeed;
    float m_distanceFarFromOrigin = m_distanceFromOrigin.length();

    bool m_addToList = true;

    float m_intDist = m_distanceFarFromOrigin*100;
    m_distanceFarFromOrigin = round(m_intDist);
    m_distanceFarFromOrigin = m_distanceFarFromOrigin/100;

    m_newDLAPoint.m_w = m_distanceFarFromOrigin;

    m_distanceFromOrigin = m_seed - m_originSeed;
    m_distanceFarFromOrigin = m_distanceFromOrigin.length();

    m_intDist = m_distanceFarFromOrigin*100;
    m_distanceFarFromOrigin = round(m_intDist);
    m_distanceFarFromOrigin = m_distanceFarFromOrigin/100;

    m_seed.m_w = m_distanceFarFromOrigin;

    //ngl::Vector m_betPoint = m_newDLAPoint - m_seed;
    //float m_betDist = m_betPoint.length();
        //m_addToList = false;

        m_dlaLine.push_back(FuelPoint(m_seed, 0));

    int m_burningTime = 0;

    // ----- check if the new assigned point goes against the wind or not
        ngl::Vector m_windDirection = ngl::Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) - m_windDir;
        ngl::Vector m_windUnitVector = m_windDirection/m_windDirection.length();

        ngl::Vector m_fireDirection = m_seed - m_newDLAPoint;

        bool m_negativeZ = false;
        bool m_negativeX = false;

            m_negativeX = true;

            m_negativeZ = true;

        bool m_changeX = false;
        bool m_changeZ = false;

                m_changeX = false;
                m_changeX = true;
                m_changeX = false;
                m_changeX = true;
        }// end if x change

                m_changeZ = false;
                m_changeZ = true;
                m_changeZ = false;
                m_changeZ = true;
        } // end if z change

        int m_speed = m_windSpeed;
            m_speed = m_windSpeed*1.6;
        else if((m_windSpeed>6)&&(m_windSpeed<=9))
            m_speed = m_windSpeed*1.4;
            m_speed = m_windSpeed*1.2;

            m_generationNumber += m_speed;
        else if(((m_changeX==true)&&(m_changeZ==false))||((m_changeX==false)&&(m_changeZ==true)))
            m_generationNumber += 2;

    } // end if wind is enabled

        // ----- set the generation
        FuelPoint m_firePoint = m_dlaList[m_dlaList.size()-1];
        int m_currentBTime = m_firePoint.getBurningTime();
        m_dlaList[m_dlaList.size()-1] = m_firePoint;

        m_firePoint = m_dlaLine[m_dlaLine.size()-1];
        m_dlaLine[m_dlaLine.size()-1] = m_firePoint;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ngl::Vector DLAStructure::checkBoundary ( ngl::Vector  m_newDLAPoint)

This method will check if the fire path goes further than the boundary area or not. If yes, the path at the edge will be assigned.

m_newDLAPointis the current position of traveller that is going to stick with DLA structure soon.

Definition at line 587 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References m_sceneHeight, and m_sceneWidth.

    float m_xValue = m_newDLAPoint.m_x;
    float m_yValue = m_newDLAPoint.m_y;
    float m_zValue = m_newDLAPoint.m_z;

        m_xValue = -m_sceneWidth/10;

        m_xValue = (m_sceneWidth/10)-0.2;

        m_zValue = -m_sceneHeight/10;

        m_zValue = (m_sceneHeight/10)-0.2;

    return ngl::Vector(m_xValue, m_yValue, m_zValue);

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::checkCollision ( ngl::Vector  m_travelerPos)

This method will check each time step when the traveler randomly moved that it is hit any dla point or not.

m_travelerPosis the current position of traveler

Definition at line 637 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getPosition(), and m_dlaList.

    ngl::Vector m_randomPos = m_travelerPos;
    int m_seedIndex = 0;
    float m_minTempDistance = 1000000.0;

    // check if it is hit anything
    // and find the closest point
    // collision checking
    for(unsigned int t=0; t<m_dlaList.size(); ++t)
        FuelPoint m_tempHitPoint = m_dlaList[t];
        ngl::Vector m_tempHitPos = m_tempHitPoint.getPosition();

        ngl::Vector m_tempDelta = m_randomPos - m_tempHitPos;
        float m_tempDistance = m_tempDelta.length();

            m_minTempDistance = m_tempDistance;
            m_seedIndex = t;

    return m_seedIndex;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::checkCollisionWithNonFlammableObject ( ngl::Vector  m_newDLAPoint)

This method will check the collision with non-flammable object.

m_newDLAPointis the current position of traveller

Definition at line 951 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelObject::getPosition(), FuelObject::getRadius(), FuelObject::getShape(), and m_objList.

    int m_isCollided = 0;

    for(unsigned int d=0; d<m_objList.size(); ++d)
        FuelObject m_objectPoint = m_objList[d];
        ngl::Vector m_objectPos = m_objectPoint.getPosition();
        float m_objectRadius = m_objectPoint.getRadius() + 0.1;

        ngl::Vector m_delta= m_newDLAPoint - m_objectPos;
        float m_distance = m_delta.length();

           m_distance = m_objectRadius;

           float m_plusX = m_objectPos.m_x + m_objectRadius;
           float m_minusX = m_objectPos.m_x - m_objectRadius;

           float m_plusZ = m_objectPos.m_z + m_objectRadius;
           float m_minusZ = m_objectPos.m_z - m_objectRadius;

           if(m_newDLAPoint.m_x<m_plusX && m_newDLAPoint.m_x>m_minusX)
               if(m_newDLAPoint.m_z<m_plusZ && m_newDLAPoint.m_z>m_minusZ)
                   m_isCollided = 1;


        // if it is collided
            m_isCollided = 1;

    return m_isCollided;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::checkCollisionWithOtherDLA ( ngl::Vector  m_newDLAPoint)

This method will check the collision with other DLA structure.

m_newDLAPointis the current traveller

Definition at line 1105 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getPosition(), and m_previousDLAList.

    int m_isCollided = 0;

    for(unsigned int r=0; r<m_previousDLAList.size(); ++r)

        FuelPoint m_previousDLA = m_previousDLAList[r];
        ngl::Vector m_previousDLAPos = m_previousDLA.getPosition();

        ngl::Vector m_deltaPreviousDLA = m_newDLAPoint - m_previousDLAPos;
        float m_distacePreviousDLA = m_deltaPreviousDLA.length();

            m_isCollided = 1;

    return m_isCollided;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::checkCollisionWithOtherOrigin ( ngl::Vector  m_newDLAPoint)

This method will check the collision with other Origin Point.

m_newDLAPointis the current traveller

Definition at line 1128 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getPosition(), m_currentOriginIndex, m_originSeed, and m_otherOriginList.

    int m_isCollided = 0;

    for(unsigned int d=0; d<m_otherOriginList.size(); ++d)
            FuelPoint m_otherOriginPoint = m_otherOriginList[d];
            ngl::Vector m_otherOriginPos = m_otherOriginPoint.getPosition();

            // between origin
            ngl::Vector m_originDistance = m_originSeed - m_otherOriginPos;
            float m_otherOriginRadius = m_originDistance.length();//m_otherOriginPos.m_w;
           // if(m_windEnabled==true)
               // m_otherOriginRadius = 0.6;
               // m_otherOriginRadius *= 0.4;
                m_otherOriginRadius *= 0.4;

            ngl::Vector m_deltaPreviousDLA = m_newDLAPoint - m_otherOriginPos;
            float m_distacePreviousDLA = m_deltaPreviousDLA.length();

                m_isCollided = 1;

    return m_isCollided;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::findFarthestPos ( int  m_numberOne,
int  m_numberTwo,
int  m_numberThree 

This method will find the farthest side of given position.

m_numberOneis the distance position of x-orthogonal side
m_numberTwois the distance position of y-orthogonal side
m_numberThreeis the distance position of z-orthogonal side

Definition at line 911 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

    int m_max = 1;
            m_max = 3;
            m_max = 2;
        m_max = 1;
    return m_max;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::findMaximumSide ( ngl::Vector  m_travelerPos,
ngl::Vector  m_seedPos 

This method will find the farthest distance side between two given position.

m_travelerPosis the current position of traveler
m_seedPosis the position of specific dla point

Definition at line 611 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References findFarthestPos().

    ngl::Vector m_initRandomPos = m_travelerPos;
    ngl::Vector m_startPos = m_seedPos;
    // find the position and direction of random point
    float m_deltaX = m_initRandomPos.m_x - m_startPos.m_x;
    float m_deltaY = m_initRandomPos.m_y - m_startPos.m_y;
    float m_deltaZ = m_initRandomPos.m_z - m_startPos.m_z;

    int absX = m_deltaX*100;
    absX = abs(absX);
    int absY = m_deltaY*100;
    absY = abs(absY);
    int absZ = m_deltaZ*100;
    absZ = abs(absZ);

    int m_maximumSide = findFarthestPos(absX, absY, absZ);

    return m_maximumSide;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void DLAStructure::findPath ( FuelPoint  m_originPoint)

This method will find the next dla point.

End of function.

m_originPointis the origin point from the specific area or grid that wish to form the dla path

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following section is modified from :- Alasdair Turner (2009). Diffusion-limited aggregation [online]. [Accessed 18 July 2011]. Available from: <http://www.openprocessing.org/visuals/?visualID=1264>

end of Citation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Definition at line 411 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References assignDLA(), checkBoundary(), checkCollision(), checkCollisionWithNonFlammableObject(), checkCollisionWithOtherDLA(), checkCollisionWithOtherOrigin(), findMaximumSide(), findSideOfMaximumPosition(), FuelPoint::getGeneration(), FuelPoint::getPosition(), getRandomPosition(), m_checkForm, m_circleRadius, m_currentOriginIndex, m_distanceForm, m_dlaList, m_dlaPointDistance, m_dlaSize, m_originSeed, m_pointRadius, and moveRandomPoint().

    ngl::Vector m_startPos = m_originPoint.getPosition();


    int m_generationNumber = 0;
    int m_iterationNumber = 0;
    bool m_takesTooLong = false;

    while(((unsigned)m_dlaList.size() <(unsigned) m_dlaSize)&&(m_takesTooLong==false))
        // get random position
        ngl::Vector m_initRandomPos = getRandomPosition(m_startPos, m_circleRadius, 1);
        int m_tempR = rand()%2 +1;
        if(m_tempR == 2)
            m_initRandomPos = getRandomPosition(m_startPos, m_circleRadius, -1);

        int m_nearIndex = 0;
        int m_movingStep = 0;
        bool m_near = false;

        int m_maximumSide = findMaximumSide(m_initRandomPos, m_startPos);
        // get the side of traveler position, according to seed point
        int m_side = findSideOfMaximumPosition(m_initRandomPos, m_startPos, m_maximumSide);

        int m_randomDirection = rand() % 6 +1;
        while(m_randomDirection==m_side || m_randomDirection==3 || m_randomDirection==4) //&& m_movingStep == 1)
            m_randomDirection = rand() % 6 +1;

        ngl::Vector m_deltaDistance = m_initRandomPos - m_startPos;
        float m_distance = m_deltaDistance.length();

        std::vector<FuelPoint> m_collectingTraveler;

            // hit or closed
            assignDLA(m_initRandomPos, m_startPos, 0);
            m_near = false;

                int m_hitNonFlammable = 0;
                int m_hitOtherDLA = 0;
                int m_hitOtherOrigin = 0;

                std::vector<FuelPoint> m_tempTraveler;

                m_tempTraveler.push_back(FuelPoint(m_initRandomPos, 1));

                // move until it is near the point
                    m_initRandomPos = moveRandomPoint(m_initRandomPos, m_randomDirection);

                    m_nearIndex = checkCollision(m_initRandomPos);

                        FuelPoint m_newPoint = m_dlaList[m_nearIndex];
                        m_startPos = m_newPoint.getPosition();

                        m_generationNumber = m_newPoint.getGeneration();

                    m_deltaDistance = m_initRandomPos - m_startPos;
                    m_distance = m_deltaDistance.length();

                    // random for next round
                    m_maximumSide = findMaximumSide(m_initRandomPos, m_startPos);
                    m_side = findSideOfMaximumPosition(m_initRandomPos, m_startPos, m_maximumSide);
                    m_randomDirection = rand()%6 +1;
                    while(m_randomDirection==m_side || m_randomDirection==3|| m_randomDirection==4)
                        m_randomDirection = rand() % 6 +1;

                    // if the dla structure and its position is satisfied, with the distance and position
                        m_near = true;

                        // check if the fire goes out of world distance or not
                        m_initRandomPos = checkBoundary(m_initRandomPos);

                        // check if the fire hit non-frammable object
                        m_hitNonFlammable = checkCollisionWithNonFlammableObject(m_initRandomPos);

                            m_hitOtherDLA = checkCollisionWithOtherDLA(m_initRandomPos);
                            m_hitOtherOrigin = checkCollisionWithOtherOrigin(m_initRandomPos);

                        m_deltaDistance = m_initRandomPos - m_startPos;
                        m_distance = m_deltaDistance.length();

                        // check the distance that it would not collide to each other
                        if(m_distance<=m_pointRadius || m_hitNonFlammable==1 || m_hitOtherDLA==1 || m_hitOtherOrigin==1)
                            m_near = false;

                        m_deltaDistance = m_initRandomPos - m_startPos;
                        m_distance = m_deltaDistance.length();
                        m_near = false;

                    m_tempTraveler.push_back(FuelPoint(m_initRandomPos, 0));

                // if still cannot find the random path to hit the point
                // get new random point
                    // reset moving step
                    m_movingStep = 0;
                    m_nearIndex = 0;

                    // random new m_circleRadius
                    // if change the plus value to 1.0, all the point will be hit
                    int m_newRadius = rand()% (int)m_circleRadius + 2.0;
                    m_tempR = rand()%2 + 1;
                        m_newRadius = rand()% (int)(m_circleRadius*3) + 3.0;

                    m_circleRadius = m_newRadius;
                    m_generationNumber = 0;

                    // set the startPos back to original position
                    m_startPos = m_originPoint.getPosition();
                    m_initRandomPos = getRandomPosition(m_startPos, m_circleRadius, 1);
                    m_tempR = rand()%2 +1;
                    if(m_tempR == 2)
                        m_initRandomPos = getRandomPosition(m_startPos, m_circleRadius, -1);
                m_collectingTraveler = m_tempTraveler;

        // adjust new circle radius of random-sphere
        ngl::Vector m_farFromOrig = m_initRandomPos - m_originSeed;
        float m_posMag = m_farFromOrig.length();
        if(m_posMag*1.5 >= m_circleRadius)
            m_circleRadius = m_posMag*1.5;

        assignDLA(m_initRandomPos, m_startPos, m_generationNumber);

        // set the startPos back to original position
        m_startPos = m_originPoint.getPosition();

        // increase the iteration count

            m_takesTooLong = true;

    std::cout<<"Path number: "<<m_currentOriginIndex+1<<" Ready! dla size: "<<m_dlaList.size()<<std::endl;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int DLAStructure::findSideOfMaximumPosition ( ngl::Vector  m_travelerPos,
ngl::Vector  m_seedPos,
int  m_maximumSide 

This method will find the side of current traveler point that should not move.

because if it moves, it will go outside the limited area

m_travelerPosis the current position of traveler
m_seedPosis the position of specific dla point
m_maxmimumSideis the side or location of traveler point position, according to the seed point

Definition at line 667 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

    ngl::Vector m_randomPos = m_travelerPos;
    ngl::Vector m_originPos = m_seedPos;

    int m_side = 0;

    // find sides of traveler, according to origin
        // x
            m_side = 2;
            // negative side (left side)
            // no 2 for first move
            m_side = 1;
            // positive side (right side)
            // no 1 for first move
    else if(m_maximumSide==2)
        // y
            m_side = 4;
            // negative side (left side)
            m_side = 3;
            // positive side (right side)
        // z
            m_side = 6;
            // negative side (left side)
            m_side = 5;
            // positive side (right side)

    return m_side;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float DLAStructure::getCurrentYPos ( ngl::Vector  m_currentDLAPos)

This method will compare current point on flat grid to the point list of terrain and then the new Y-position will be returned.

m_currentDLAPosis the current position that wishes to compare with terrain list.

Definition at line 297 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References FuelPoint::getPosition(), and m_scenePointList.

    float m_yPos = m_currentDLAPos.m_y;
    int m_closedPointIndex = 0;
    float m_minimumDistance = 1000;

    // find the closest point
    for(unsigned int p=0; p<m_scenePointList.size(); ++p)
        FuelPoint m_scenePoint = m_scenePointList[p];
        ngl::Vector m_scenePos = m_scenePoint.getPosition();

        m_scenePos.m_y = 0.0;
        m_currentDLAPos.m_y = 0.0;

        ngl::Vector m_deltaRange = m_scenePos - m_currentDLAPos;
        float m_distRange = m_deltaRange.length();

            m_closedPointIndex = p;
            m_minimumDistance = m_distRange;

    FuelPoint m_closedPoint = m_scenePointList[m_closedPointIndex];
    ngl::Vector m_closedPointPos = m_closedPoint.getPosition();

    // check if the closest point is in non-flammable area
    m_yPos = m_closedPointPos.m_y + 0.1;

    return m_yPos;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< FuelPoint > DLAStructure::getDLALine ( )

This method will return the DLA list that represents as the seed of each following point.

m_dlaLine is the list of seed points on DLA structure

Definition at line 997 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References m_dlaLine.

    return m_dlaLine;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::vector< FuelPoint > DLAStructure::getDLAList ( )

This method will return the DLA list.

m_dlaList is the list of points on DLA structure

Definition at line 991 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References m_dlaList.

    return m_dlaList;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ngl::Vector DLAStructure::getRandomPosition ( ngl::Vector  m_currentPos,
float  m_radius,
int  m_randomMode 

This method will find the random point in the area of specific circle around the origin point.

m_currentPosis the current origin point position or seed point position
m_radiusis the radius of specific circle that covers the origin point
m_randomModeis the random mode that it will be on positive or negative side

The following function is modified from :- Brian Reavis (2010). Diffuse Limited Aggregation Rendered with Sunflow [online]. [Accessed 07 July 2011]. Available from: <http://thirdroute.com/projects/dla/>

Definition at line 337 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References m_sceneHeight, m_sceneWidth, m_windDir, m_windEnabled, m_windSpeed, and setDecimalValue().

    // ----- adjust windDirection for particular origin point
        ngl::Vector m_newOrigin = m_currentPos;
        ngl::Vector m_originAtCentre = ngl::Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0);

        float m_xDiff = m_newOrigin.m_x - m_originAtCentre.m_x;
        float m_zDiff = m_newOrigin.m_z - m_originAtCentre.m_z;

        ngl::Vector m_adaptedOrigin = m_windDir;
        m_currentPos = ngl::Vector(m_adaptedOrigin.m_x+m_xDiff, m_adaptedOrigin.m_y, m_adaptedOrigin.m_z+m_zDiff);

        float m_windXDiff = m_currentPos.m_x - m_newOrigin.m_x;
        float m_windZDiff = m_currentPos.m_z - m_newOrigin.m_z;

        float m_adjustWindXDiff = (m_windSpeed*m_windXDiff)/10;
        float m_adjustWindZDiff = (m_windSpeed*m_windZDiff)/10;
        m_currentPos = ngl::Vector(m_newOrigin.m_x+m_adjustWindXDiff, m_currentPos.m_y, m_newOrigin.m_z+m_adjustWindZDiff);

             m_currentPos.m_x = m_sceneWidth/10;
         else if(m_currentPos.m_x<-(m_sceneWidth/10))
             m_currentPos.m_x = -(m_sceneWidth/10);

             m_currentPos.m_z = m_sceneHeight/10;
         else if(m_currentPos.m_z<-(m_sceneHeight/10))
             m_currentPos.m_z = -(m_sceneHeight/10);

    float m_calcX = m_currentPos.m_x;
    float m_calcZ = m_currentPos.m_z;
    float m_y = m_currentPos.m_y;

    // random floating number
    m_radius = m_radius*100;
    m_y = rand() % (int)m_radius;

    // z-negative side
        m_y = m_y - m_radius;

    m_radius = m_radius/100;
    m_y = m_y/100;

    float xyRadius = m_radius/2;

    float m_twoPi = 6.283185;
    m_twoPi = m_twoPi*1000000;

    float xyTheta = rand()%(int)m_twoPi; // TWO_PI
    xyTheta = xyTheta/1000000;

    m_calcX = cos(xyTheta)*xyRadius;
    m_calcZ = sin(xyTheta)*xyRadius;

    m_calcX = setDecimalValue(m_calcX, 2);
    m_calcZ = setDecimalValue(m_calcZ, 2);

    m_calcX += m_currentPos.m_x;
    m_calcZ += m_currentPos.m_z;
    m_y = 0.0;

    return ngl::Vector(m_calcX,m_y, m_calcZ);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

ngl::Vector DLAStructure::moveRandomPoint ( ngl::Vector  m_currentPoint,
int  m_mode 

This method will move the current random point to the new random position.

m_currentPointis the position of current random point
m_modeis the mode of moving direction that the point would randomly move

Definition at line 877 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

References m_pointRadius.

    if(m_mode==1)       // ++x
        m_currentPoint.m_x += m_pointRadius*8;
    else if(m_mode==2)  // --x
        m_currentPoint.m_x -= m_pointRadius*8;
    else if(m_mode==3)  // ++y
        m_currentPoint.m_y += m_pointRadius*8;
    else if(m_mode==4)  // --y
        m_currentPoint.m_y -= m_pointRadius*8;
    else if(m_mode==5)  // ++z
        m_currentPoint.m_z += m_pointRadius*8;
    else                // --z
        m_currentPoint.m_z -= m_pointRadius*8;

    return m_currentPoint;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float DLAStructure::setDecimalValue ( float  m_number,
int  m_decimalPlaces 

This method will set the specific number to have the specific decimal places.

m_numberis the specific number that wish to be changed
m_decimalPlacesis the specific decimal places that wish to be applied to the number

Definition at line 937 of file DLAStructure.cpp.

    float m_decimalPlacesNumber = pow(10, m_decimalPlaces);
    float m_intNumber = m_number * m_decimalPlacesNumber;
    int m_roundedNumber = ceil(m_intNumber);
    float m_fixedNumber = m_roundedNumber/m_decimalPlacesNumber;

    return m_fixedNumber;

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

bool DLAStructure::m_checkForm [private]

the flag to check the building DLA structure with other built DLA structure

Definition at line 306 of file DLAStructure.h.

radius of circle for the random point area in dla progress

Definition at line 279 of file DLAStructure.h.

the current index of origin

Definition at line 327 of file DLAStructure.h.

the appropriate distance of DLA point

Definition at line 331 of file DLAStructure.h.

std::vector<FuelPoint> DLAStructure::m_dlaLine [private]

the list contians the seed point of each new dla points

Definition at line 266 of file DLAStructure.h.

std::vector<FuelPoint> DLAStructure::m_dlaList [private]

the list contains the new dla points

Definition at line 270 of file DLAStructure.h.

radius between dla point or the distance between each dla point

Definition at line 287 of file DLAStructure.h.

int DLAStructure::m_dlaSize [private]

size of dla per origin point

Definition at line 291 of file DLAStructure.h.

std::vector<FuelObject> DLAStructure::m_objList [private]

the list contains the fuel objects

Definition at line 274 of file DLAStructure.h.

ngl::Vector DLAStructure::m_originSeed [private]

the origin point position

Definition at line 296 of file DLAStructure.h.

the list of origin point on the whold fire area

Definition at line 301 of file DLAStructure.h.

float DLAStructure::m_pointRadius [private]

radius of the point

Definition at line 283 of file DLAStructure.h.

the list of point on previous DLA structure

Definition at line 323 of file DLAStructure.h.

height size of fire area

Definition at line 257 of file DLAStructure.h.

std::vector<FuelPoint> DLAStructure::m_scenePointList [private]

the list contains all points on the scene that are available to catch the fire

Definition at line 262 of file DLAStructure.h.

width size of fire area

Definition at line 253 of file DLAStructure.h.

ngl::Vector DLAStructure::m_windDir [private]

the wind direction

Definition at line 311 of file DLAStructure.h.

the wind flag

Definition at line 319 of file DLAStructure.h.

the wind speed

Definition at line 315 of file DLAStructure.h.

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