Dr.Lihua You
Associate Professor
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, Uk

1. | E. Chaudhry, L. H. You, X. Jin, X. S. Yang, Jian J. Zhang, 2013. Shape Modeling for Animated Characters using Ordinary Differential Equation. Computers & Graphics (ISSN: 0097-8493), 37, pp. 638-644 |
2. | You, L.H., Ugail, H., Zhang, J.J., 2012. Controllable C1 continuous blending of time-dependent parametric surfaces. The Visual Computer (ISSN: 0178-2789), 28, pp. 573-583. |
3. | You, L.H., Chang, J., Yang, X. and Zhang, J.J., 2011. Solid modelling based on sixth order partial differential equations. Computer-Aided Design (ISSN: 0010-4485), 43 (6), pp. 720-729. |
4. | You, L.H., Tang, B.P., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Creating and manipulating surfaces through physics-based curve deformations. International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing (ISSN: 1687-398X), 10 (4), pp. 35-46. |
5. | You, L.H., Yang, X., You, X.Y., Jin, X. and Zhang, J. J., 2010. Shape manipulation using physically based wire deformations. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (ISSN: 1546-4261), 21, PP. 297-309. |
6. | You, L.H., Chaudhry, E., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J. J., 2009. Equivalent deformation principle based skin deformation of character animation. International Journal of CAD/CAM (ISSN: 1598-1800), 9 (1), pp. 61-69. |
7. | You, L.H., Southern, R. and Zhang, J.J., 2009. Adaptive physics–inspired facial animation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), 5884, pp. 207-218. |
8. | You, L.H., Yang, X. and Zhang, J.J., 2008. Dynamic Skin Deformation with Characteristic Curves. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (ISSN: 1546-4261), 19 (3-4), pp. 433-444.. |
9. | You, L.H., Comninos, P. and Zhang, J.J., 2008. Solid Modelling with Fourth Order Partial Differential Equation. International Journal of Computers (ISSN: 1998-4308), 4 (2), pp. 452-461. |
10. | You, L.H., Yang, X., Pachulski, M. and Zhang, J.J., 2007. Boundary Constrained Swept Surfaces for Modelling and Animation. Computer Graphics Forum (ISSN: 0167-7055), 26 (3), pp. 313-322. |
11. | Chang, J., Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2006. Physically-Based Deformations: Copy and Paste. The Visual Computer (ISSN: 0178-2789), 23 (1), pp. 71-82.. |
12. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2006. Blending surface modelling using sixth order PDEs. International Journal of CAD/CAM (ISSN: 1598-1800), 6. |
13. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2006. Deformation of Dynamic Surfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), 3992, pp. 231-238. |
14. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2005. An efficient approach for surface creation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), 3482, pp. 197-205. |
15. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2004. PDE surface generation with combined closed and non-closed form solutions. Journal of Computer Science and Technology (ISSN: 1000-9000), 19 (5), pp. 650-656. |
16. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2004. Analytical C2 smooth blending surfaces. Future Generation Computer Systems (ISSN: 0167-739X), 20 (8), pp. 1317-1326. |
17. | You, L.H., Hu, J.H., Shi, Y.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2004. Single-patch surfaces for tool shape design and finite element analysis of hot extrusion. Journal of Materials Processing Technology (ISSN: 0924-0136), 150 (1-2), pp. 62-69. |
18. | You, L.H., Comninos, P. and Zhang, J.J., 2004. PDE Blending Surfaces with C2 Continuity. Computers & Graphics (ISSN: 0097-8493), 28 (6), pp. 895-906. |
19. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2004. Fast surface modelling using a 6th Order PDE. Computer Graphics Forum (ISSN: 0167-7055), 23 (3), pp. 311-320. |
20. | You, L.H., Zhang, J.J. and Comninos, P., 2004. Blending surface generation using a fast and accurate analytical solution of a fourth order PDE with three shape control parameters. The Visual Computer (ISSN: 0178-2789), 20 (2-3), pp. 199-214. |
21. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2004. Surface blending using a power series solution to fourth order partial differential equations. International Journal of Shape Modeling (ISSN: 0218-6543), 10 (2), pp. 155-185. |
22. | You, L.H., Zhang, J.J. and Comninos, P., 2003. Generating blending surfaces with a pseudo-Lévy series solution to fourth order partial differential equations. Computing (ISSN: 0010-485X), 71 (4), pp. 353-373. |
23. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2003. Fast generation of 3D deformable moving surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics (ISSN: 1083-4419), 33 (4), pp. 616-625. |
24. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2002. PDE Based Surface Representation - Vase Design. Computers & Graphics (ISSN: 0097-8493), 26 (1), pp. 89-98. |
25. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2002. Rapid Generation of C2 Continuous Blending Surfaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ISSN: 0302-9743), 2330, pp. 92-101. |
26. | You, L.H., Ugail, H., Zhang, J.J., 2012. An analytical approach to dynamic skin deformation of character animation. In the book of Expanding the Frontiers of Visual Analytics and Visualization. Springer-Verlag London Limited 2012. |
27. | You, L.H., Comninos, P. and Zhang, J.J., 2008. Analytical PDE solid modelling. In: Book of Recent Advances in Systems Engineering and Applied Mathematics: Selected Papers from the WSEAS Conferences in Istanbul, Turkey, 27-30 May 2008. WSEAS Press, pp. 140-145. |
28. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2004. Finite difference surface representation considering effect of boundary curvature. In: Book of Geometric modeling: techniques, applications, systems and tools, London: Kluwer Academic, pp. 52-64. |
29. | I. K. Kazmi, L. H. You, J. J. Zhang, 2013. A survey of 2D and 3D shape descriptors. 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, 6-8 August 2013, Macau, China. |
30. | L. H. You, E. Chaudhry, X. Jin, X. S. Yang and Jian J. Zhang 2013. Character Modeling using Physically based Deformable Curvesv. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, SciTePress, pp. 119-122. |
31. | L. H. You, X. S. Yang, X. Jin, E. Chaudhry and Jian J. Zhang, 2013. Determination of Force Fields for Ode-based and Skeleton Driven Character Animation. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, SciTePress, pp. 115-118, . |
32. | E. Chaudhry, L. H. You, X. Jin and Jian J. Zhang, 2013. Statistical Analysis of Joint Determination for Skeleton Driven Animation of Human Hands. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, SciTePress, pp. 123-126. |
33. | L. H. You, X. Jin, X. Y. You, J. J. Zhang, 2013. Surface modelling using partial differential equations: a survey. In: Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Information Visualisation, IEEE Press, pp. 474-481. |
34. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2011. A unified approach to geometric modeling of curves and surfaces. In : Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. SciTePress, pp. 23-30. |
35. | You, L.H., Yang, X.S. and Zhang, J.J., 2011. Trigonometric curve-based human modelling. In : Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. SciTePress, pp. 31-38. |
36. | You, L.H., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Curvature continuity solid blending. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering. IEEE Press. |
37. | You, L.H., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Blending of Varying Parametric Surfaces. In: Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering. IEEE Press. |
38. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Geometric modelling and computer simulation of human hearts: a survey. In: Proceedings of The Eleventh IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging. ACTA Press, pp. 309-316. |
39. | You, L.H., Ugail, H., Tang, B.P., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Sweeping based controllable surface blending. In: Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 17-21 May 2010, Angers, France. |
40. | You, L.H., Ugail, H., You, X.Y., Chaudhry, E. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Manipulation of parametric surfaces through a simple deformation algorithm. In: Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, 17-21 May 2010, Angers, France. |
41. | Chaudhry, E., You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2010. Character skin deformation: a survey. In: CGIV 2010: Proceedings of 7th International Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization, 8-10 August 2010, Sydney, Australia. |
42. | You, L.H., Chaudhry, E., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J.J., 2009. Physics and example based skin deformations for character animation. In: Proceedings of 2009 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/Graphics 2009. IEEE Press, pp. 62-67. |
43. | You, L.H., Zhao, H.W., Chaudhry, E., You, X.Y. and Zhang, J.J., 2009. Surface modeling with boundary constraints and partial differential equations. In: Proceedings of 2009 11th IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, CAD/Graphics 2009. IEEE, pp. 306-311. |
44. | You, L.H., Rodriguez, J. R. and Zhang, J.J., 2007. Manipulation of Elastically Deformable Surfaces through Maya Plug-in. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Imaging (GMAI) - New Trends, 5-7 July, 2006, London, pp. 15-21. |
45. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2006. Effects of different orders of PDEs on blending surfaces. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualisation (CGIV 06), 25 - 28 July 2006, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia, 329 -334. |
46. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2005. Surface blending with curvature continuity. In: Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 7-10 December, 2005, Hong Kong, China, pp. 85-92. |
47. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2005. Physically based wire modelling technique for curves and surfaces. In: CASA 2005: Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), 17-19 October 2005, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China. |
48. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2005. Solid blends of high order continuity. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Vision: New Trends, 26-29 July, 2005, Beijing, China, pp. 264-270. |
49. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2004. Fourth order PDE blends. In: Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation. IEEE, pp. 1013-1119. |
50. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2004. Blending solids with analytical solution to PDE. In: Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Information Visualisation. IEEE, pp. 415-421. |
51 | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2003. Generating Blending Surfaces with an Iterative Solution to Fourth Order PDE. In: Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Graphics (GMAG’03), 16 -18 July, 2003, London. |
52. | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2003. Fast surface generation with a mixed solution to partial differential equations. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics (CAD/Graphics03), 2003, Macau, China. |
53 | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2003. A unified approach for modelling and animation of thin flexible materials. In: Proceedings of Seventh World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology, 3-5 December, 2003, Austin, Texas. |
54 | You, L.H., Hu, J.H., Shi, Y.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2002. A new surface modelling method and its application in tool shape design for finite element simulation of metal forming. In: Proceedings of the 9th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ISPE CE 2002), 27-31 July, 2002, Cranfield, United Kingdom. |
55 | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2001. Surface representation using second, fourth and mixed order partial differential equations. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Shape Modeling & Applications. IEEE , pp. 250-256. |
56 | Zhang, J.J. and You, L.H., 2001. Fast creation of glass surfaces considering curvature boundary conditions. In: EGUK 2001: Proceedings of The 19th Eurographics UK Conference, 3-5 April, 2001, University College London, pp. 77-85. |
57 | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 2000. Free form surface generation using analytical solution to a fourth order partial differential equation. In: Proceedings of The Fifth World Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology. Society for Design and Process Science Press, pp. 14-21. |
58. | You, L.H. and Zhang, J.J., 1999. Blending surface generation with a fourth order partial differential equation. In: CAD/CG'99: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics. Shanghai, China: Wen Hui Publishers. |
59. | Zhang, J.J., You, L.H. and Comninos, P., 1999. Computer Simulation of Flexible Fabrics. In: Proceedings of Eurographics UK 17th Annual Conference: EG-UK99, 13-15 April, 1999, Cambridge, UK, pp. 27-35. |
60. | You, L.H., Zhang, J.J. and Comninos, P., 1999. Cloth deformation modelling using a plate bending model. In: WSCG'99 - Proceedings of The 7-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media, Univ.of West Bohemia, 9-12 February, 1999, University of West Bohemia Press, Pilsen, Czech Republic. |