Dr.Lihua You
Associate Professor
National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, Uk

Basic Information
Dr. Lihua You is Associate Professor at the National Center for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, UK. He received his BSc degree from Yanshan University, MSc degree and PhD degree from Chongqing University, China, and another PhD degree from Bournemouth University, UK.
He is an editor of 3 international journals, a member of Program Committee of many international conferences, and a reviewer for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK and over 30 international journals and a lot of international conferences. He is also an external PhD thesis examiner for some UK universities.
Before joining Bournemouth University, UK, he was a lecturer (1983-1987, 1990-1992), an associate professor (1992-1995, 1996-1997), and a professor (1997-1998) of Chongqing University, China. He was an academic visiting scholar at Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London, UK from 1995 to 1996.
Teaching Summary
Dr. You has lectured a number of topics to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and supervised some MSc and PhD research students. Currently, he is involved in the teaching of Mathematical Methods 1 and Mathematical Methods 2 of BSc students, project supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students, and PhD student supervision. The students who wish to peruse their PhD research in computer animation, geometric modelling, and computer graphics are welcome to contact him.
Research Summary
Dr. You’s research interests are in computer animation, geometric modelling, computer graphics, and differential equations and mechanics related to industrial applications, including character modelling and animation, surface blending, solid blending, ordinary and partial differential equation-based geometric modelling and computer animation. He has published about 170 publications with over 50 papers published in international journals, secured more than 20 funding and industrial projects as a principal investigator or co-investigator, and led 13 projects as a principal investigator.