Public Slots | Public Member Functions

MainWindow Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Slots

void resetCloth ()
 resets the cloth
void setConstraintPoint1 (bool checked)
 set the position of the constraint point1 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint3 (bool checked)
 set the position of the constraint point3 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint4 (bool checked)
 set the position of the constraint point4 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint2 (bool checked)
 set the position of the constraint point4 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint1 (int _value)
 set the position of the constraint point1 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint3 (int _value)
 set the position of the constraint point3 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint4 (int _value)
 set the position of the constraint point4 on cloth
void setConstraintPoint2 (int _value)
 set the position of the constraint point4 on cloth
void CurrentObjectChanged (QString _currentObject)
 set current object in the environment [in] _currentObject the name of the current object
void CurrentClothChanged (QString _currentCloth)
 set current cloth in the environment [in] _currentCloth the name of the current object
void deleteSelection ()
 deletes the chosen object
void clearAll ()
 deletes all the objects from the scene
void convertToCloth ()
 converts selected object into a cloth
void loadFile ()
 loads the obj file
void loadAnimation ()
 loads the obj file
void reset ()
 slot to reset the simulation

Public Member Functions

 MainWindow (QWidget *parent=0)
 ~MainWindow ()
void setActiveMass ()
 set the active mass for the movement

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MainWindow::MainWindow ( QWidget *  parent = 0  )  [explicit]


[in] parent the parent window

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