Lagrangian Liquid Simulation
Master Thesis project on simulation of liquids using Lagrangian approach and SPH
ShaderObject Member List
This is the complete list of members for ShaderObject, including all inherited members.
getAttributes() const ShaderObject [inline]
getAttributeValues() const ShaderObject [inline]
getFragementFile() const ShaderObject [inline]
getIsSpecial() const ShaderObject [inline]
getShaderName() const ShaderObject [inline]
getVertexFile() const ShaderObject [inline]
m_attributesShaderObject [private]
m_attributeValuesShaderObject [private]
m_fragementFileShaderObject [private]
m_isSpecialShaderObject [private]
m_shaderNameShaderObject [private]
m_vertexFileShaderObject [private]
ShaderObject(const std::string _shaderName, const std::string _vertexFile, const std::string _fragementFile, const std::vector< std::string > _attributes, const std::vector< int > _attributeValues, const bool _isSpecial)ShaderObject
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