DeferredRenderer 1.0

SpotLight Member List

This is the complete list of members for SpotLight, including all inherited members.
collidesWithSphere(const ngl::Vector &_pos, const float &_rad)SpotLight
draw(const std::string &_vaoName, const std::string &_shader)SpotLight
getView()SpotLight [inline]
getWorld()SpotLight [inline]
m_colourSpotLight [private]
m_directionDistanceSpotLight [private]
m_lightViewSpotLight [protected]
m_matrixCamSpotLight [protected]
m_positionAngleSpotLight [private]
m_radiusSpotLight [private]
m_worldSpotLight [private]
set(const ngl::Vector &_position, const ngl::Vector &_target, const float &_distance, const float &_angle, const ngl::Vector &_col, const ngl::Vector &_up)SpotLight
SpotLight()SpotLight [inline]
SpotLight(const ngl::Vector &_position, const ngl::Vector &_target, const float &_distance, const float &_angle, const ngl::Vector &_col, const ngl::Vector &_up)SpotLight
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