Eulerian Smoke Simulation on the GPU
Ui_MainWindow Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Ui_MainWindow:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setupUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)
void retranslateUi (QMainWindow *MainWindow)

Public Attributes

QWidget * s_centralwidget
QGridLayout * s_mainWindowGridLayout
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_3
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_4
QSpacerItem * verticalSpacer_2
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_2
QLabel * s_bgTypeLabel
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_9
QComboBox * m_bgType
QGroupBox * s_simulationControlsGB
QGridLayout * gridLayout_11
QPushButton * m_toggleSim
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_5
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_6
QTabWidget * s_centralTabWidget
QWidget * s_simulationOptions
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QGroupBox * s_obstaclesGB
QGridLayout * gridLayout_14
QCheckBox * m_displayObstacles
QLabel * s_obstacleGeometryLabel
QComboBox * m_obstacleGeometry
QTabWidget * s_simulationTabWidget
QWidget * tab
QGridLayout * gridLayout_8
QLabel * s_velocityDissipationLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_velocityDissipation
QLabel * s_temperatureDissipationLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_temperatureDissipation
QLabel * s_densityDissipationLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_densityDissipation
QWidget * tab_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QLabel * s_ambientTemperatureLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_ambientTemperature
QLabel * s_gasWeightLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_gasWeight
QLabel * s_buoyancyDir
QDoubleSpinBox * m_buoyancyDirX
QDoubleSpinBox * m_buoyancyDirY
QDoubleSpinBox * m_buoyancyDirZ
QLabel * s_buoyancyLiftLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_buoyancyLift
QWidget * tab_3
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QLabel * s_impulseTemperatureLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_impulseTemperature
QLabel * s_impulseDensityLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_impulseDensity
QLabel * s_splatRadiusLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_splatRadius
QLabel * s_impulsePositionLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_impulsePosX
QDoubleSpinBox * m_impulsePosY
QDoubleSpinBox * m_impulsePosZ
QWidget * tab_5
QGridLayout * gridLayout_17
QCheckBox * m_enablePeriodicNoise
QLabel * label_10
QLabel * label_11
QDoubleSpinBox * m_noiseVarianceX
QDoubleSpinBox * m_noiseVarianceY
QDoubleSpinBox * m_noiseVarianceZ
QComboBox * m_noiseDriveFuncX
QComboBox * m_noiseDriveFuncY
QComboBox * m_noiseDriveFuncZ
QWidget * tab_4
QGridLayout * gridLayout_13
QLabel * s_timestepLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_timestep
QLabel * s_poissonIterationsLabel
QLabel * s_cellSizeLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_cellSize
QSpinBox * m_poissonIterations
QWidget * s_renderingOptions
QGridLayout * gridLayout_5
QGroupBox * s_isoSurfaceOptionsGB
QGridLayout * gridLayout_6
QLabel * s_isoLevelLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_isoLevel
QLabel * s_meshingMethodLabel
QComboBox * m_meshingMethod
QCheckBox * m_displayMesh
QLabel * s_fieldToMeshLabel
QComboBox * m_fieldToMesh
QLabel * s_meshMaterialLabel
QComboBox * m_meshMaterial
QLabel * s_vectorComponenLabel
QComboBox * m_vectorComponent
QLabel * s_meshColourLabel
QPushButton * m_meshColour
QGroupBox * s_volumeSliceOptionsGB
QGridLayout * gridLayout_7
QCheckBox * m_displaySlice
QLabel * s_fieldToSliceLabel
QComboBox * m_fieldToSlice
QLabel * s_slicePosLabel
QLabel * s_fieldOpacityLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_fieldOpacity
QSlider * m_slicePos
QWidget * s_sceneOptions
QGridLayout * gridLayout_10
QGroupBox * m_displayGB
QGridLayout * gridLayout_12
QCheckBox * m_displayGridPlane
QCheckBox * m_displayContainer
QGroupBox * m_lightGB
QGridLayout * gridLayout_9
QLabel * s_lightPosLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_lightPosX
QDoubleSpinBox * m_lightPosY
QDoubleSpinBox * m_lightPosZ
QLabel * s_lightColourLabel
QLabel * s_lightSpecLabel
QCheckBox * m_displayLightIcon
QPushButton * m_lightColour
QLabel * s_lightAttenLabel
QDoubleSpinBox * m_lightAttenConstant
QDoubleSpinBox * m_lightAttenLinear
QDoubleSpinBox * m_lightAttenQuadratic
QPushButton * m_lightSpecColour
QMenuBar * menubar
QStatusBar * statusbar

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