Wing 323 - Kinect Version  V1.0
Public Member Functions
MainMenu Class Reference

Creates the main menu. The main menu consist of GUI elements to navigate through several options, and also start the game. The main menu also consists of the game settings menu, which enables players to change the settings of the game (basically change the difficulty of the game). More...

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Public Member Functions

void Awake ()
 Initialises the menu's attributes.
void OnGUI ()
 Creates the menu, and sub-menus (i.e. controls, options etc).
void Update ()
 The update loop for the main menu, lerps the camera through the scene, and also gets the back command (to go back to the main menu, by pressing a button, on the game-pad).
void lerpCamera ()
 Lerps the camera through the menu scene, to create a fly-through effect.

Detailed Description

Creates the main menu. The main menu consist of GUI elements to navigate through several options, and also start the game. The main menu also consists of the game settings menu, which enables players to change the settings of the game (basically change the difficulty of the game).

Alexander Poolton

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