Wing 323 - Kinect Version  V1.0
Public Member Functions
Game Class Reference

Manages the general game behavior, i.e. is the game paused, is the game completed. Note this in NOT a "main" class as Unity's mono enviroment does not use constructors, thus the object instances in the game are pre-instantiated and thus a "main" class to create the object instances is not needed. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void Start ()
 Initialises the games values.
void Update ()
 The update loop for the game class. Checks if the play has paused or completed the game.
void OnTriggerEnter (Collider _objectID)
 The event trigged when the player reaches the goal (enters the box collider).
IEnumerator displayGameCompletedScreen (int _delayGameCompletedScreen)
 Display the game completed screen.
IEnumerator displayThanksScreen (int _delayThanksScreen)
 Display the thanks screen.
IEnumerator creditsScreen (int _delayCreditsScreen)
 Display the credits screen.
IEnumerator restartGame (int _delayToRestart)
 Restarts the game. Takes the play back to the main menu, once the game has been completed.
int getNumOfSecretItemsCollected ()
 Get the number of secret items collected throughout the game.

Detailed Description

Manages the general game behavior, i.e. is the game paused, is the game completed. Note this in NOT a "main" class as Unity's mono enviroment does not use constructors, thus the object instances in the game are pre-instantiated and thus a "main" class to create the object instances is not needed.

Alexander Poolton

Member Function Documentation

IEnumerator Game::creditsScreen ( int  _delayCreditsScreen) [inline]

Display the credits screen.

[in]_delayCreditsScreenThe time the credits screen shall be displayed.
yield The time the credits screen is displayed for.
IEnumerator Game::displayGameCompletedScreen ( int  _delayGameCompletedScreen) [inline]

Display the game completed screen.

[in]_delayGameCompletedScreenThe time the game completed screen shall be displayed.
yield The time the game completed screen is displayed for.
IEnumerator Game::displayThanksScreen ( int  _delayThanksScreen) [inline]

Display the thanks screen.

[in]_delayThanksScreenThe time the thanks screen shall be displayed.
yield The time the thanks screen is displayed for.
int Game::getNumOfSecretItemsCollected ( ) [inline]

Get the number of secret items collected throughout the game.

numOfItemsCollected The number of secret items collected.
void Game::OnTriggerEnter ( Collider  _objectID) [inline]

The event trigged when the player reaches the goal (enters the box collider).

[in]_objectIDThe ID of the object which has entered the collider.
IEnumerator Game::restartGame ( int  _delayToRestart) [inline]

Restarts the game. Takes the play back to the main menu, once the game has been completed.

[in]Thetime before the game will restart (go back to the main menu).
yield The time delay before the game is restarted.

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