
Lab 2 Functions and Modules

Aims The aim of this lab is to setup a simple python project using the Turtle module and experiment with writing code and functions. By the end of the Lab we should be able to

Lab 2 Test Driven Development

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the process of TDD and develop some simple tests. Multi File Build and Project Setup Build Tools (cmake and make test) Using gtest and git Test Driven Design of a Simple RGBA structure Getting Started To start this project we are going to build a typical software project setup.

Lab 2 Test Driven Development

Aims The aim of this lab is to introduce the process of TDD and develop some simple tests. Multi File Build and Project Setup Build Tools (cmake and make test) Using gtest and git Test Driven Design of a Simple RGBA structure Getting Started To start this project we are going to build a typical software project setup.