Mel Script - Traversing Node Connections




Nodes within Maya can be connected via node connections between attributes. We can use the mel function listConnections to retrieve any connections to a node. For example





Example 1 : retrieving a list of source connections

Source connections are basically output connections. If we use the -destination/-d flags and the -source/-s flags for the listConnections command we can choose which sets of connections to return.



		// a procedure to print all source connections from the 
		// specified node.
		proc SrcConnectionInfo(string $node) {
			// get the source and destination connections
			$src_connections = `listConnections -s true -d false $node`;
			print("src: ");
			for($c in $src_connections) {
				print($c + ",");



Example 2 : retrieving a list of destination connections

Destination connections are basically input connections. If we use the -destination/-d flags and the -source/-s flags for the listConnections command we can choose which sets of connections to return.



		// a procedure to print all destination connections from the 
		// specified node.
		proc DstConnectionInfo(string $node) {
			// get the source and destination connections
			$dst_connections = `listConnections -s false -d true $node`;
			print("dst: ");
			for($c in $dst_connections) {
				print($c + ",");



Example 3 : Retrieving the plugs

If you specify the -p flag for listConnections it returns the attributes on the other node to which it is connected. This example wraps up the previous two...



		// a procedure to print all src and dst connections from the 
		// specified node.
		proc ConnectionInfo(string $node) {
			// get the source and destination connections
			$src_connections = `listConnections -s 1 -d 0 -p 1 $node`;
			$dst_connections = `listConnections -s 0 -d 1 -p 1 $node`;
			// if no connections are present to this node, return
			if(size($src_connections) == 0 ||
			   size($dst_connections) == 0)
			// print the node name and its connections
			print($node + " {\n");
			if(size($src_connections) != 0) {
				print("\tsrc: ");
				for($c in $src_connections) {
					print($c + ",");
			if(size($dst_connections) != 0) {
				print("\tdst: ");
				for($c in $dst_connections) {
					print($c + ",");

			// list all scene nodes
			$nodes = `ls`;
			// print connection info for all nodes
			for($node in $nodes)



Example 4 : Retrieving the plugs 2

If you specify the -c flag for listConnections it returns the attributes on the other node to which it is connected, as well as the attribute on this node to which it is connected.



		// a procedure to print all src and dst connections from the 
		// specified node.
		proc ConnectionInfo(string $node) {
			// get the source and destination connections
			$src = `listConnections -s 1 -d 0 -c 1 $node`;
			$dst = `listConnections -s 0 -d 1 -c 1 $node`;
			// if no connections are present to this node, return
			if(size($src) == 0 ||
			   size($dst) == 0)
			// print the node name and its connections
			print($node + " {\n");
			if(size($src) != 0) {
				print("\tsrc: ");
				for($i=0;$i<size($src);$i+=2) {
					print($src[$i]+"<-"+$src[$i+1]+"  ");
			if(size($dst) != 0) {
				print("\tdst: ");
				for($i=0;$i<size($dst);$i+=2) {
					print($dst[$i]+"->"+$dst[$i+1]+"  ");
			// list all scene nodes
			$nodes = `ls`;
			// print connection info for all nodes
			for($node in $nodes)



Example 5 : Making Connections

You can make use of the connectAttr function to connect one attribute to another. Normally if the destination attribute is in use, then the attempt to make the connection will fail. To solve this you can force it with the -f flag.



		// create two locator nodes
		createNode locator -n loc1;
		createNode locator -n loc2;

		// locator nodes are pretty useless, we want their transforms
		$parents1 = `listRelatives -p "loc1"`;		
		$parents2 = `listRelatives -p "loc2"`;

		xform -t 3 2 0 $parents1[0];

		// connect the attributes
		connectAttr -f ($parents1[0]+".tx") ($parents2[0]+".sy");