Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AgentOur agents and its basic atrributes put in this file
AIagentOur AIagents and its methods and variables put in this file
AmmoVariables and methods that a bullet contains put in this file
ArmyVariables and methods that a army contains put in this file
BrainVariables and methods that a Brain contains put in this file
EnvironmentVariables and methods that a Environment contains put in this file
GameEntityVariables and methods that a GameEntities contains put in this file
GLWindowOur main glwindow widget for NGL applications all drawing elements are put in this file
GraphVariables and methods that a Graph contains put in this file
GraphEdgeThis is the class for edges between the nodes
GridNodesThis is the class for nodes and their attributes
MainWindowMain re-sizable window which contains a GLWindow widget used to hold our basic gl applications
MapThis is the class for map which sorts the obstacles in the environment and draws objects in that position
ModelsThis class contains all meshes required for the game level we use this as we only need to load meshes once but may need to attach to many objects in our game
ParserOur class contains the read the text from a file and saving it
UserAgentsVariables and methods that a Environment contains put in this file
UserControlVariables and methods that a User control contains put in this file

Generated on 16 Aug 2013 for Multi-AgentSystem by  doxygen 1.6.1