Finella Fan

Procedural Modelling and Animation of Breaking Waves

Masters Thesis click to download

Houdini Digital Asset click to download the OTL file

User Guide click to download


The following images briefly shows how the Breaking Wave HDA works and the renderings generated from using this tool.

The wave was modelled using several NURBS curves which were also used as blendshape targets for creating a full life-cycle for the breaking wave.

The wave surface was lofted using those NURBS curves.

For a more flexible control over the movement of the breaking wave, an automatic animation control and a custom animation control were provided. With the auto control, the user can simply set the point where the wave breaks and the modify time span, the rest are done automatically. By using the custom control the user can customise the wave movement by controlling and setting keyframes on parameters that were associated with each blendshape profile curves.

Surface shader added to the surface.

Displacement shader added to the surface.

The final render.

Composited with mist and splashes.


A shot of breaking wave generated with the Breaking Wave HDA.