// Workshop 5 part 1

import sdljava.*;
import sdljava.video.*;
import sdljava.event.*;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ListIterator;

	// This is a general purpose vector class
class c_vector

		// Constructor that takes another vector as input
	public c_vector( c_vector value )
		x = value.x;
		y = value.y;

		// Constructor that takes two floats as input
	public c_vector( float a, float b )
		x = a;
		y = b;

		// Constructor that takes one float as input
	public c_vector( float value )
		x = y = value;

		// Constructor that takes no input
	public c_vector()
		x = y = 0.0f;

		// Normalises the vector
	public void normalise()
			// Retrieve the magnitude
		float len = get_length();
		if( len > 0.0f )
			// Normalise the vector by dividing the components by this magnitude
			x /= len;
			y /= len;
		else	// This should stop divide by zero errors
			x = y = 0.0f;

		// Returns the length of the vector
	public float get_length()
			// Return the magnitude (length) using Pythagoras' theorem
		return (float) Math.sqrt( (x*x) + (y*y) );

		// Our vector's components
	public float x, y;

class game_object
		// Static function for storing the screen size
	public static void set_screen_size(c_vector screenIn)
			// This will be used in the update functions, so see if the object collides with the screen
		screen = screenIn;

	public game_object()
		position = new c_vector();
		size = new c_vector();
		direction = new c_vector();
		speed = 0;
		image = null;
		blacklist = false;

		// Adds the object to the blacklist (i.e. flags that it should be removed)
	public void blacklist_add()
		blacklist = true;

		// Queries whether the object is on the blacklist
	public boolean blacklist_get()
		return blacklist;

		// For setting the movement direction of the object
	public void set_direction(c_vector in)
			// The direction vector is a normalised unit vector
			// We don't know what the vector we've been given is, so we will normalise it
		direction = in;

	public boolean update(float deltaT_s)
			// Update the position
		position.x +=  deltaT_s * direction.x * speed;
		position.y +=  deltaT_s * direction.y * speed;

			// Test against the sides of the screen, keeping track of whether it hits
		boolean hits_sides = false;
		if( position.x - (size.x/2) < 0.0f )
			position.x = size.x/2;
			hits_sides = true;
		else if( position.x + (size.x/2) > screen.x )
			position.x = screen.x - (size.x/2);
			hits_sides = true;

		if( position.y - (size.y/2) < 0.0f )
			position.y = size.y/2;
			hits_sides = true;
		else if( position.y + (size.y/2) > screen.y )
			position.y = screen.y - (size.y/2);
			hits_sides = true;

			// Return whether the object hits the sides of the screen
		return hits_sides;

	public void draw(SDLSurface screen) throws SDLException
			// Draw the object
		SDLRect rectangle = new SDLRect((int)position.x-(int)(size.x/2.0f),(int)position.y-(int)(size.y/2.0f),(int)size.x,(int)size.y);

	protected c_vector position;
	protected c_vector size;
	protected c_vector direction;
	protected float speed;
	protected SDLSurface image;
	protected static c_vector screen;
	protected boolean blacklist;

class bullet extends game_object
		// Bullet constructor
		// Java note: the no-arg constructor of the super class will be automatically called before this one.
	public bullet( game_object originIn, SDLSurface imageIn, c_vector directionIn, c_vector start_pos, float speedIn )
		image = imageIn;
		size.x = image.getWidth();
		size.y = image.getHeight();
		direction = directionIn;
		position = start_pos;
		speed = speedIn;
		origin = originIn;

		// The bullet's update function
	public boolean update(float deltaT_s)
		// For a bullet, we need to do something very slightly different for the update

		// Perform the regular update, making a note of whether we hit the sides of the screen
		boolean hits_sides = super.update(deltaT_s);

			// If we do hit the sides, we will be going off the screen, so need to be flagged for removal:
		if( hits_sides )

			// Still return whether we hit the sides, just for completeness ;)
		return hits_sides;

		// The game object that fired the bullet
		// This will be useful when we check for collisions, as we won't test against the object that fired it
	game_object origin;

class spaceship extends game_object
		// Space ship constructor
		// Java note: the no-arg constructor of the super class will be automatically called before this one.
	public spaceship(SDLSurface imageIn, c_vector start_pos, float speedIn, c_vector shoot_directionIn, SDLSurface bullet_imageIn, float bullet_speedIn)
		image = imageIn;
			// Determine our size from the image we have been given
		size.x = image.getWidth();
		size.y = image.getHeight();
		position = start_pos;
		shoot_direction = shoot_directionIn;
		bullet_image = bullet_imageIn;
		bullet_speed = bullet_speedIn;
		speed = speedIn;

		// This function is called whenever we want the space ship to fire a bullet
	public bullet fire()
			// Create and return a new bullet
		return new bullet((game_object)this,bullet_image,shoot_direction,new c_vector(position), bullet_speed );

		// The direction that new bullets will fire in
	c_vector shoot_direction;

		// The image to use for new bullets
	SDLSurface bullet_image;

		// The speed of a new bullet:
	float bullet_speed;

class s05_p01
		// Our SDL surface for drawing on
	static SDLSurface screen;

		// The player controllable space ship
	static spaceship my_ship;

		// The direction that the player controllable ship is moving in according to the user input
	static c_vector ship_direction;

		// List that contains all the game objects in our game
	static LinkedList<game_object> game_objects;

		// We will call this function whenever we want to exit the program.
		// It uninitialises SDL and forces a program exit.
	public static void exit(int value)

		// In this function, we retrieve and handle events
	public static boolean handle_events()
			// SDL stores events in a queue.
			// We can either wait for events, in which case the function we call will not return until there is an event,
			// or we can have a quick look at the event queue, using a function that will retrieve an event if there is one, returning null if there isn't.
			// In an interactive game, it's not much use if we get stuck waiting for events, as we won't be able to draw or update the scene.
			// Therefore, we want to use the 'quick look' option.
			// This is called polling for events.
			// The waiting technique is known as blocking.

				// Poll for events
			SDLEvent event = SDLEvent.pollEvent();

				// If there was an event..
			if( event != null )
					// What we do depends on the type
				switch( event.getType() )
					case SDLEvent.SDL_QUIT:
						// This event type is generated when the user clicks on the 'x' to close the window
						return true;
					case SDLEvent.SDL_KEYDOWN: // The user has pressed a key
								// This means that the event is actually of a sub-type called an SDLKeyboardEvent.
								// If we cast the event to this type, we can retrieve the actual key type
							int key = ((SDLKeyboardEvent) event).getSym();

								// What we do now depends on the key that was pressed
							switch( key )
								case SDLKey.SDLK_ESCAPE:
								case SDLKey.SDLK_UP:
									ship_direction.y += -1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_DOWN:
									ship_direction.y += 1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_LEFT:
									ship_direction.x += -1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_RIGHT:
									ship_direction.x += 1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_SPACE:
										// This will be the fire button
										// We call our space ship's fire function
										// This returns a bullet, which is a game object
										// To get the game object updated, we need to add it to our list
										// Since this list dictates the drawing order too, we will add it to the front of the list
										// Since our ship is at the back, the bullets will be drawn under it.

					case SDLEvent.SDL_KEYUP: // The user has released a key
								// This means that the event is actually of a sub-type called an SDLKeyboardEvent.
								// If we cast the event to this type, we can retrieve the actual key type
							int key = ((SDLKeyboardEvent) event).getSym();

								// What we do now depends on the key that was pressed
							switch( key )
								case SDLKey.SDLK_UP:
									ship_direction.y -= -1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_DOWN:
									ship_direction.y -= 1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_LEFT:
									ship_direction.x -= -1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));
								case SDLKey.SDLK_RIGHT:
									ship_direction.x -= 1.0f;
									my_ship.set_direction(new c_vector(ship_direction));


		catch(SDLException e)
				System.err.println("Error while polling event : " + SDLMain.getError());

		return false;


		// In this function, we update our scene
	public static void update( float deltaT_s )
			// Generate an iterator for the first item in the list
			// (Iterators are useful helper classes that allow us to cycle through a list.
			//   We generate one that starts at the beginning of the list,
			//   and we will use it to retrieve the next item)
		ListIterator it = game_objects.listIterator(0);

			// Go through the list
		while( it.hasNext() )
				// Retrieve the next item
			game_object current = (game_object) it.next();

				// Update the object

				// If an object needs to be deleted, it will set an internal 'blacklist' flag
				// If this flag is set, we need to remove it from our main game objects list.
				// Why might an object need to be deleted?
				// There are various reasons, for example: if the object explodes, or if a bullet reaches the edge of the screen
			if( current.blacklist_get() )

		// In this function, we draw our scene
		// Upon encountering an error, this function throws an SDLException, which is passed on from SDL function calls
	public static void draw() throws sdljava.SDLException
			// First, we clear the screen

			// Generate an iterator for the first item in the list
		ListIterator it = game_objects.listIterator(0);
			// Go through the list
		while( it.hasNext() )
				// Retrieve the next object in the list
			game_object current = (game_object) it.next();

				// Draw it to the screen


	public static void main(String[] args)

			// Create an SDL object
		SDLMain sdl = new SDLMain();

			// SDL uses exceptions when it encounters problems
				// Initialise SDL to use its video (graphics) capabilities
				// SDL uses what it calls a 'surface' as a window.
			screen = SDLVideo.setVideoMode(640, 480, 0, 0 );

				// Tell the game object class what size screen we're using
			game_object.set_screen_size(new c_vector(640.0f,480.0f));

				// We want some means of storing a dynamic number of space ships.
				// We will need to peform various operations on them, such as updating and drawing them.
				// They will also need to be able to shoot at us, and we want to be able to shoot at them.
				// Thus, we also need a way of storing bullets, and a means of removing them from the game.
				// We will address both these points by considering both a ship and a bullet as a 'game object'.
				// If we then store these game objects in a list, we can cycle through the list to update and draw them.
				// If something gets created, it will be added to the list, and if it gets destroyed, it will be removed from the list.
				// But why not put bullets in a list for each space ship?
				// If we did that, we would have a problem: what if the space ship gets blown up and is deleted?
				// The space ship's bullet list would also be deleted, and its active bullets removed (i.e. bullets that were fired by it, and are still flying through space).
				// We don't want this, so the bullets need to be stored outside the ship.

				// Create our space ship
			my_ship = new spaceship(SDLVideo.loadBMP("my_ship.bmp"),	// The image to use for the ship
						new c_vector(320,240),			// The starting position of the ship
						300.0f,					// The speed of the ship
						new c_vector(0,-1),			// The direction that bullets are fired at
						SDLVideo.loadBMP("my_bullet.bmp"),	// The image to use for the bullets
						500.0f);				// The speed of the bullets

				// Create our main game object list
			game_objects = new LinkedList<game_object>();

				// Add the space ship to the list

				// We will use this for storing the direction that the user input indicates the ship should move in
			ship_direction = new c_vector();

				// Timing is one of the most crucial aspects of an interactive game-like program.
				// Since the graphics on screen can take a variable amount of time to draw,
				// we cannot rely on a constant frame rate. Besides, if we run our program on a
				// faster or slower machine, it will be different again.
				// We must therefore calculate the amount of time that has elapsed between each 
				// iteration of our game loop, and use this when we update things.
			long previous_time = 0, current_time = 0, deltaT = 0;
			float deltaT_s = 0.0f;

			current_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
			previous_time = current_time;

				// This will store whether or not the user has asked to quit
			boolean quit = false;
				// This is our main "game loop", and we will run it 
				// while we've not been asked to quit...
			while( quit == false )
					// When the user presses a key, or uses the mouse, that input is stored in SDL as an 'event'.
					// As an interactive program, we need to look at these events and decide what to do about them.
					// Our function here also returns true if we want to quit:
				quit = handle_events();
					// In an interactive program, be it a game or whatever, we usually have a variety of things to update each frame.
					// These could be character animations, physics simulations, explosions, whatever we want...
					// Finally, we need to draw our scene

					// Update our current time
				current_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
					// Work out the frame rate for that frame
				deltaT_s = (float)(current_time-previous_time)/1000.0f;
					// For the next frame, our current time will the the previous one
				previous_time = current_time;



		catch(SDLException e) // Catch SDL problems
				// We shall handle any problems by printing a stack trace:
				// and an explanation if that wasn't enough
			System.err.println("SDL encountered a problem");
