// Workshop 3 part 1

import sdljava.*;
import sdljava.video.*;
import sdljava.event.*;

class s03_p01
	protected static SDLSurface screen;

		// We will call this function whenever we want to exit the program
	public static void exit(int value)

		// In this function, we retrieve and handle events
	public static boolean handle_events()
			// SDL stores events in a queue.
			// We can either wait for events, in which case the function we call will not return until there is an event,
			// or we can have a quick look at the event queue, using a function that will retrieve an event if there is one, returning null if there isn't.
			// In an interactive game, it's not much use if we get stuck waiting for events, as we won't be able to draw or update the scene.
			// Therefore, we want to use the 'quick look' option.
			// This is called polling for events.
			// The waiting technique is known as blocking.

				// Poll for events
			SDLEvent event = SDLEvent.pollEvent();

				// If there was an event..
			if( event != null )
					// What we do depends on the type
				switch( event.getType() )
					case SDLEvent.SDL_QUIT:
						// This event type is generated when the user clicks on the 'x' to close the window
						return true;

		catch(SDLException e)
				System.err.println("Error while polling event : " + SDLMain.getError());

		return false;


		// In this function, we update our scene
	public static void update()


		// In this function, we draw our scene
	public static void draw()


	public static void main(String[] args)
			// Create an SDL object
		SDLMain sdl = new SDLMain();

			// SDL uses exceptions when it encounters problems
				// Initialise SDL to use its video (graphics) capabilities
				// SDL uses what it calls a 'surface' as a window.
			screen = SDLVideo.setVideoMode(640, 480, 0, 0 );

		catch(SDLException e) // Catch SDL problems
				// We shall handle any problems by printing a stack trace:
				// and an explanation if that wasn't enough
			System.err.println("SDL could not initialise");

			// This will store whether or not the user has asked to quit
		boolean quit = false;

			// This is our main "game loop", and we will run it 
			// while we've not been asked to quit...
		while( quit == false )
				// When the user presses a key, or uses the mouse, that input is stored in SDL as an 'event'.
				// As an interactive program, we need to look at these events and decide what to do about them.
				// Our function here also returns true if we want to quit:
			quit = handle_events();

				// In an interactive program, be it a game or whatever, we usually have a variety of things to update each frame.
				// These could be character animations, physics simulations, explosions, whatever we want...

				// Finally, we need to draw our scene
