
MSc Projects 2024

MSc projects from 2024

Lecture 1 Introduction to SE for Media

An introduction to Python

Lecture 1 Introduction to Python

Some Basic Python

Lecture 2 Python Basics

An introduction to Python

Lab 2 Some Unix tools

The aim of this lab is to look at methods of batch processing data (scene files) using both built in Unix / Linux tools as well as python. Standard unix tools for finding things Unix has a number of tools to allow searching and locating files.

Lecture 1 Introduction

Slides Links and Resources Pipeline Patterns Pixar’s USD

Lab 1 Python Setup

The aim of this lab is to setup our python environment in the lab and give you the ability to setup something similar at home. I will video it live and upload afterwards as this will mainly be an interactive session.

Lecture 1 Introduction

Slides Links and Resources Pipeline Patterns Pixar’s USD

Lecture 2 Basic Python

An introduction to the basic python language syntax

Lecture 2 The structure of a DCC

Slides Links and Resources

Lecture 2 Python Control Structures

Basic python control structures

Lecture 3 Test Driven Development

Introduction to TDD

Lecture 2 The Structure of a DCC Tool

Slides Links and Resources Points and Verts and Prims

Lecture 3 Sequence Selection and Iteration

Mopre programming constructs

Lecture 3 Files and Data

This lectures introduces the concept of file I/O and data processing

Lab 3 Some Python Topics

The aim of this lab is to introduce some core Python (3) concepts and ideas. Whilst some of these may seem unconnected I use many of these techniques and ideas day to day and will generally form part of a larger python ecosystems and deployment.

Lecture 3 Why Python

Slides References

Lecture 3 Python I/O and Classes

File processing, stand alone programs and Basic OO

Lecture 3 Test Driven Development and Design

Slides Links and Resources

Lecture 4 Object Oriented Programming

Mopre programming constructs

Lecture 4 Introduction to OO in Python

This lecture will introduce Object Oriented concepts and Classes in python

Lecture 4 Databases and SQL

Slides Setting up a MySQL database with Podman These instructions will allow you to create a simple MySQL database using Podman. This is a simple example and should not be used in a production environment but will work for learning purposes.

Lecture 4 Modern Python

Slides Links and Resources

Lecture 4 Testing and TDD

Using Unit tests in python

Lecture 5 Introduction to Numpy

A look at numpy and how we can use it

Lecture 5 Test Driven Development

This lecture will demonstrate the use of Test Driven development and design in python

Lecture 5 GUI's and HCI


Lecture 5 DCC API's

Slides Links and Resources

Lecture 6 Introduction to Pandas

A look at Pandas and how we can use it

Lecture 6 Data Files and Serialization


Lecture 7 PyTorch and Tensors

What is PyTorch and how can we use it

Lecture 7 Systems Programming


Lecture 8 ML Workflows

Machine Learning Workflows with PyTorch

Lecture 8

Slides Self Study

Lecture 8 Multithreading

Slides Slides

Lecture 9 Classification

Looking at Datasets and how we can use them

Lecture 9

Slides Self Study

Lecture 9 Devops


Lecture 10 Dataloaders

What is Dataloaders and how can we use it

Lecture 10 Documentation and Deployment
