
MSc Projects 2005

MSc projects from 2005

MSc Projects 2021

MSc projects from 2021

MSc Projects 2022

MSc projects from 2022

MSc Projects 2023

MSc projects from 2023

MSc Projects 2024

MSc projects from 2024

MayaPY not working

When running the following code in a mayapy session import maya.standalone maya.standalone.initialize(name='python') The interpreter never returns for the next line of code. TL;DR was an issue with my where I use cmds.

Using Maya / Hodini versions of USD

How to use the DCC specific versions of USD in the labs

Jack Purkiss

A set of pipeline tools to assist in a workflow between Maya and Unreal Engine.

Nina Kokot

This is a plug-in tool for Maya Autodesk that allows the user to learn the re-topology process and helps to improve the topology flow and saves time in the production pipeline.

Vanessa Stotz


Shubham Prabhakar

The choice of a rendering engine significantly impacts the final visual result in the constantly changing world of 3D graphics and animation. Each rendering engine's distinctive features, strengths, and subtleties influence the unique look and feel of produced scenes. However, for 3D artists and content producers, the intrinsic diversity of rendering systems poses a significant obstacle. Maintaining the integrity of the original scene when switching between render engines flawlessly has become increasingly urgent. This thesis offers an innovative Autodesk Maya conversion tool that successfully addresses the issue. This adaptable approach makes converting scenes between supported render engines rapid and straightforward. The combination of cutting-edge technology, a simple user interface, and extensive dictionary files that codify the subtleties of rendering engine properties forms the basis of the application. This technology is an essential part of the toolbox of today's 3D content creators since it enables quick and accurate conversions while empowering artists to make fine tweaks after conversion.

Aslan Saparov

This thesis report documents the terrain generation, the research on different methods and techniques possible to generate a terrain as well as the implementation of it in this project.

Matthew Stanton

A tool for Maya which can be loaded as a plugin and allows for the easy creation of jhumkas in Maya.

Yiyang Huang

This project aimed to build a artist-friendly tool which could edit details of toon shading.

Lecture 3 Lighting in Maya

An introduction to lightin in Maya

Lecture 2 Maya and Python.

Using Python and PyMel

Lecture 1 A technical Introduction to Maya

Introducing some of the more technical aspects of Maya

Lecture 4 Computation, Iterators and Exporters

Maya C++ Computation, Iterators and Exporters

Lecture 2 Introduction to the Maya C++ API

Introduction to the Maya C++ API

Lecture 1 Maya Python

Using Python in Maya

Lecture 3 Maya Nodes

Maya C++ Nodes

Useful Maya Links

Useful Maya Links

Akila Lakshminarayanan

Animal Stampede Simulation

Adam Gritt

Procedural Fish Animation using Maya API

Alexander Turusov

Modular Procedural Rigging

Eduard Zell

Automatic rigging Tool for centipedes and millipedes

Francesca Galluzzi

Cel-Shading with OSL in RenderMan21 for Maya

Han Wang Swarm

Swarm Intelligence simulating ant foraging behaviour

Joao Montenegro Almedia Weathering System for Maya

Weathering System for Maya

Magdalene Chan

fire whirl simulation

Mihail Temelkov

Pipeline Development

Quan Xiang

Simulation of Wet Sand in Maya

Rahul Lakakwar

Auto Rigging Setup Tool

Carrie Sullivan Night Terrors

Night Terrors animation

Henry Van Der Beek "Bullring Animation"

Crowd simulation and rendering in Maya

Paul Timpson "Sea Anemone"

Sea Anemone simulation and rendering

Tom Melson Crowd Simulation with Maya and Renderman

Crowd Simulation with Maya and Renderman