MSc CAVE Project

Jesin Roy

Diffusion Limited Aggregation Inside 3D Models

Joao Montenegro Almedia Weathering System for Maya

Weathering System for Maya

Joe Gaffney and Thanos Topouzis

Animation production using Houdini

Jon Hudson

Creature Generation using Genetic Algorithms and Auto-Rigging

Joshua Bainbridge

Sorted Shading for Uni-Directional Pathtracing

Julia Lou

Cosserat Rods for Hair Simulation

Leah Sreshta

Survey on user centric approaches to various pre-fracturing techniques in different materials in Houdini

Lloyd Phillips

Thesis Ava - Game Development Abstract This thesis undergoes the process of a group project undergoing the development of a game. The game is called AVA and it is a 3rd person puzzle walking simulator game produced by 5 artists and a programmer.

Luis Pereira

Cloth Simulation

Luke Bazalgette

Thesis Flocking system mimicking fish school behaviours Abstract In this thesis, a programmable flocking system was developed. The system is designed to emulate the movement patterns of fish in a body of water.

Magdalene Chan

fire whirl simulation

Manjusha Balachanran Battle System Using Massive

Battle System Using Massive

Maria Vineeta Bagya Seelan

Deluany Tetrahedralization and its dual Voronoi diagrams

Marta Feriani

Art-directing procedural vegetation in Houdini using a space colonization algorithm

Martin Davies

A Practical Investigation of RenderMan RIS API

Mathieu Sanchez

Continuous signed distance field representation of a polygonal mesh

Michael Cashmore

Applying aggregation over 3D surfaces

Mihail Temelkov

Pipeline Development

Mila Grigorova

Towards Realistic Hair Animation Using Discrete Elastic Rods

Milo Volpicelli

The Simulation of Fluids Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Simulator based on Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics approaches

Min Jiang

Realtime volume rendering for scientific visualization

Mya Yee Win 2D Fluid Solver for Houdini

2D Fluid Solver for Houdini

Nardeep Chander Weathering System

Weathering System in Houdini

Navpreet Kaur Pawar

Surface Reconstruction

Nicholas Hampshire

Dynamic Animation and Re-Modelling of L-Systems

Nikolaos Verigakis

Eulerian Smoke Simulation on the GPU

Nivedita Goswami

Spherical Harmonic Lighting

Octavian Mihai Vasilovici

Procedural Terrain Generation using a Level of Detail system and Stereoscopic Visualization

Peter Claes

Controlling Fluid Simulations with Custom Fields in Houdini

Peter Dodds

Intuitive and fast simulation for soft and viscous substances

Peter Smith

Using SIMD through Intels SPMD Program Compiler

Pieterjan Bartels

Position Based Dynamics

Ping Liu

Texture synthesis

Pongpat Sombatpanich

Rigid Body Dynamics

Praveen Kumar Ilangovan

Procedural City Generator

Quan Xiang

Simulation of Wet Sand in Maya

Rabia Engin

Multi-agent System with Artificial Intelligence

Rachel Strohkorb

An Investigation into the Viability of a Nonlinear Anisotropic Cloth Model for Simulation

Rahul Lakakwar

Auto Rigging Setup Tool

Rajiv Perseedoss

Lagrangian Liquid Simulation using SPH