
MSc Projects 2019

MSc projects from 2019

MSc Projects 2020

MSc projects from 2020

MSc Projects 2021

MSc projects from 2021

MSc Projects 2022

MSc projects from 2022

MSc Projects 2023

MSc projects from 2023

MSc Projects 2024

MSc projects from 2024

Daria Tolmacheva

Houdini Digital Asset which generates lineart based on the given geometry and camera as well as artist's input.

Albert Jian Sheng Tan Mulligan

This project presents an alteration to an already existing method presented for generating crack patterns on surface meshes. This original method creates identifiably realistic crack patterns

Matthew Stanton

A tool for Maya which can be loaded as a plugin and allows for the easy creation of jhumkas in Maya.

Nithish Kumar Etikala

Implementation of Thin Sheet Preservation Techniques in Houdini

Rina Fumoto

This project combines Material Point Method with J-integral to calculate crack tip parameters which are used to determine the crack propagation. This is implemented as a custom solver in Houdini and the solver is used to create a Houdini Digital Asset. The developed asset provides a user to simulate a reasonable crack propagation with some user controls.

Tang Yeh

This project creates shadow effects with Houdini Digital Assets (HDA). The aim is to generate shadow geometries on given models and eventually consume it entirely. Shadow geometries are created by the first HDA, users could select different patterns and manipulate the parameters to create a variety of looks. The second HDA generates particles that create the consuming effect on the given model and swirl decomposing effects after consumption.

Alexandra Kim Bui

This work demonstrates the usage of voronoi fracture extrusions for creating a procedural city blocks. The user is able to control 4 stages of the creation the flora such as trees, bushes, waters like rivers), buildings (city centre, residential area, administrative buildings) and roads with pathways.

Kirdana Sairathan

This project documents the procedural simulation of rotting and decay, which is a natural phenomime many have seen. It can be simulated to add realism to a scene. Several papers relating to this topic have been discussed, highlighting some of the commonly used techniques. A custom-made solver was developed in Houdini18.5 using the Pyro Sop Solver and predominantly the VEX Wrangles and VOP networks to simulate this process. This report outlines the framework to create a rotting simulation of several fruits; apple, banana and orange. This digital asset will allow the user to input their modelled fruit and set various parameters to create the desired rotting effect they wish. Further development is required to add further realism into the simulation

Caoimhe McCarthy

This pproject demonstrates the generation of a Houdini Digital Asset for ivy growth. This procedural tool can generate a variety of different scenes based on user defined parameter values. The ivy is generated using a sort of particle based method first introduced in 1985 by Reeves and Blau (1985). Using this as the basis for the growth algorithm, the HDA also simulates external tropisms such as gravitropism and phototropism. Along with the ability to automatically generate ivy, this tool allows the user the more stylistic approach of drawing ivy directly onto the environment geometry. This highly art-directable procedural tool demonstrates an easy way to generate climbing ivy.

Han Dance

A custom MPM solver created in Houdini using mostly VEX and gas microsolver nodes. The ten step process presented in 'A material point method for snow simulation' is implemented. A tool to create custom snow scenes in Houdini using the solver is also provided.

Ioannis Ioannidis

Fluid Implicit Particle Fluid Solver using OpenMP directives

Ahmad Ghourab

A Fluid Implicit Particle Approach to a Pyro Solver in Houdini

Alexis Agrotis

Thesis A Fluid Implicit Particle (FLIP) Sovler Built in Houdini Abstract The following thesis presents the research and implementation of a Fluid Implicit Particle (FLUID). A literature review is included in order to highlight the most commonly used techniques for simulating fluids in the Visual Effects and Computer Graphics industries as well as critically analyse and compare them.

Andy Abgottspon

Procedural modelling in Houdini based on Function Representation

Ashley Morrison

Audio driven games

Chaitanya Kapu

Procedural generation of Bridges and Tunnels

Chris Priscott

3D Langrangian Fluid Solver using SPH approximations.

Daria Kozlova

A User Friendly Hair Reflectance Model in Houdini

Derik Gokstorp

Prototyping a Custom 3D Printing Slicer

Emanuele Goffredo

Procedural destruction in Houdini

Finella Fan

Wave Simulation

Jesin Roy

Diffusion Limited Aggregation Inside 3D Models

Joe Gaffney and Thanos Topouzis

Animation production using Houdini

Jon Hudson

Creature Generation using Genetic Algorithms and Auto-Rigging

Leah Sreshta

Survey on user centric approaches to various pre-fracturing techniques in different materials in Houdini

Luis Pereira

Cloth Simulation

Marta Feriani

Art-directing procedural vegetation in Houdini using a space colonization algorithm

Michael Cashmore

Applying aggregation over 3D surfaces

Mihail Temelkov

Pipeline Development

Mya Yee Win 2D Fluid Solver for Houdini

2D Fluid Solver for Houdini

Nardeep Chander Weathering System

Weathering System in Houdini

Nicholas Hampshire

Dynamic Animation and Re-Modelling of L-Systems

Peter Claes

Controlling Fluid Simulations with Custom Fields in Houdini

Praveen Kumar Ilangovan

Procedural City Generator