
Lab 4 Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Aims The aim of this lab is to continue our exploration of TDD in C++ by developing a simulation of diffusion limited aggregation Introduction to DLA simulations Understand C++ 11 Random number classes #include Creating Image Sequences Using Command Line Arguments Introduction to DLA Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles.

Lab 4 Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Aims The aim of this lab is to continue our exploration of TDD in C++ by developing a simulation of diffusion limited aggregation Introduction to DLA simulations Understand C++ 11 Random number classes #include Creating Image Sequences Using Command Line Arguments Introduction to DLA Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such particles.

Lecture 4 Data Oriented Design

Data Oriented Design

Lab 5 Introduction to Particle Systems

Aims The aim of this lab is to develop a simple particle system and write data to various file formats. We will then visualize the data using 3rd party tools

Lab 5 Introduction to Particle Systems

Aims The aim of this lab is to develop a simple particle system and write data to various file formats. We will then visualize the data using 3rd party tools

Lab 6 NGL Installation

Aims The Aim of this lab is to install NGL and try some demos programs Introduction to NGL Building NGL Building Demo Other Operating Systems Introduction to NGL NGL is the NCCA Graphics Library which has been used for teaching programming and graphics since 2003.

Lab 6 NGL Installation

Aims The Aim of this lab is to install NGL and try some demos programs Introduction to NGL Building NGL Building Demo Other Operating Systems Introduction to NGL NGL is the NCCA Graphics Library which has been used for teaching programming and graphics since 2003.

Gnuplot Lab

gnuplot gnuplot is a tool that allows us to very quickly visualise data, it can be very useful for testing program output without having to generate complex graphical interface code, the following labs is going to use gnuplot to help visualise the output of several sample programs.

Blogs and Links

The Clean Code Blog by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) Hacker News The OpenGL Wiki Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know

Blogs and Links

The Clean Code Blog by Robert C. Martin (Uncle Bob) Hacker News The OpenGL Wiki Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know awesome modern c++

Templates in C++

Templates in C++

Databases and SQL

Databases and SQL

Design Patterns

Design Patterns

PointViz (or doing the ASE assignment) Week 1

The ongoing saga of my doing the ASE assignment

PointViz (or doing the ASE assignment) Week 2

The ongoing saga of my doing the ASE assignment

PointViz (or doing the ASE assignment) Week 3

The ongoing saga of my doing the ASE assignment

PointViz (or doing the ASE assignment) Week 4

The ongoing saga of my doing the ASE assignment

PointViz (or doing the ASE assignment) Week 5

The ongoing saga of my doing the ASE assignment

PointViz (or doing the ASE assignment) Week 6

The ongoing saga of my doing the ASE assignment

Albert Jian Sheng Tan Mulligan

This project presents an alteration to an already existing method presented for generating crack patterns on surface meshes. This original method creates identifiably realistic crack patterns

Alex Christo

A realtime procedural creature generation system built in Unity. The aim was to create a more open ended generation system than had existed previously. A base body is created using free form deformation, it is rigged and skinned automatically. Limbs are then attached to create one of three creature types swimming, flying or walking. Animations are all driven procedurally and adapt to the creature generated.

Edward Barnes

This project did .......

Ollie Nicholls

Based on the SIGGRAPH paper "Synthetic Silviculture - Multi-scale Modeling of Plant Ecosystems" I created a plant-growth visualiser in Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) using C++ and Blueprints. This could then be extended in the future to implement a fully interactive forest generation tool that can be used in any UE4 project.

Optimising a simple 2D grid simulation

This post will take a simple simulation and using modern Programming and Graphics techniques optimise it for speed and efficiency.

Using WSL 2 for programming

some basic instructions for setting up WSL and the Windows Terminal for programming

Eimear Crotty

Vulkan is a low-level graphics and compute API which aims to provide users with faster draw speeds by removing overhead from the driver. The user is expected to explicitly provide the details previously generated by the driver. The resulting extra code can be difficult to understand and taxing to write for beginners, leading to the need for a helper library.

Jack Beasley

This project developed a physics game toolkit, created in Unreal Engine. The toolkit combined both Blueprint scripting and C++ programming by prototyping new systems in Blueprints, then re-creating them in code for added efficiency. These code systems were then exposed to Blueprint in the form of key variables and functions. This created an interface for an end user to use the toolkit while also allowing for future expansion, entirely in Blueprint if desired. Finally, the finished toolkit has been showcased in the form of a demo puzzle, utilising all systems in the toolkit and displaying how they could work together to generate puzzles in a physics-based game.

Lecture 4 Computation, Iterators and Exporters

Maya C++ Computation, Iterators and Exporters

Lecture 2 Introduction to the Maya C++ API

Introduction to the Maya C++ API

Lecture 3 Maya Nodes

Maya C++ Nodes

David Minor Fire Simulation System

Fire Simulation System

Han Wang Swarm

Swarm Intelligence simulating ant foraging behaviour

James Slowgrove

Implementing Flame using a Mass Spring System

Joshua Bainbridge

Sorted Shading for Uni-Directional Pathtracing

Lloyd Phillips

Thesis Ava - Game Development Abstract This thesis undergoes the process of a group project undergoing the development of a game. The game is called AVA and it is a 3rd person puzzle walking simulator game produced by 5 artists and a programmer.

Mathieu Sanchez

Continuous signed distance field representation of a polygonal mesh

Nicholas Hampshire

Dynamic Animation and Re-Modelling of L-Systems

Peter Dodds

Intuitive and fast simulation for soft and viscous substances

Rachel Strohkorb

An Investigation into the Viability of a Nonlinear Anisotropic Cloth Model for Simulation

Sireethorn Satarabhandhu

Diffuse-limited aggregation created fire path and spread prediction