These pages are intended for students intending to study the MSc Computer Animation and Visual Effects course. They provide information about what software we use, some reading and a general FAQ.
The MSc CAVE is designed as a course to teach the more technical side of computer animation and visual effect, and is designed to advance previous programming / technical knowledge to produce “technical artists / directors” for the Film and Games industries. The structure is outlined below. The course runs for 3 Semesters with two semesters taught and the third focused on the MSc project. The units are outlined in semester order with 3 units per semester.
Animation Software Engineering :- This is the foundation unit of the MSc course, it will build on existing programming knowledge and teach Python and Software engineering principles for computer graphics. We use python and modern graphics API’ to teach the principles of software engineering in the context of computer graphics. There are options to use other programming languages such as C++ / Rust / Go etc but all core teaching is in python. It is expected that you will have some previous programming experience but this is not essential. (MSc Only)
CGI Tools :- This unit focuses on the core animation tools with introductions to Maya modelling and scripting, as well as elements of other tools such as Unreal and Nuke. (MSc Only)
CGI Techniques :- A more in-depth look at the algorithms and techniques behind computer animation, this unit will introduce the main mathematical and algorithmic concepts behind computer graphics and animation. We use the procedural modelling tool Houdni to help understand the algorithmic nature of CGI tools. (MSc Only)
Simulation and Rendering :- This unit continues where CGI Tech leaves off and includes simulation element such as fluid, smoke and FEA. The rendering section includes writing shaders using Renderman as well as an in depth look at how different rendering engines work.
Pipeline and Technical Direction :- Continuing on from the ASE unit we will apply the software engineering lifecycle to development of tools and pipelines, primarily using Python.
Group Project and Industry Brief :- The group project is a collaborative project set either via students or based on selected industry briefs. It is a chance to apply all of the knowledge gained in the first semester to a live project brief. (All Masters)
MSc Project :- The final Masters project including a thesis, this project is the culmination of the course and is a chance to show off all of the skills learned in the previous semesters. This is student lead and can be in any area of computer animation and visual effects. Students work independently with weekly supervisor meetings produce a final project. Previous projects can be seen here
We use a large number of products, some are free open source projects some are full commercial version of high end 3d applications. The following list shows the main software we have access to and gives links to certain free and Personal Learning Editions (PLE) versions.
All our computers are dual boot running RHEL Linux and Windows. We use Linux for most of our development work.
Maya : Maya is our main animation package, we are currently using version 8.5 and will be for the next academic year. You can download a PLE version which will allow you to get used to the software.
Houdini : Houdini is a very powerful procedural animation tool ideally suited to effects work. If you are used to maya or other animation packages it may seem a bit strange at first but it is incredibly powerful Houdini Apprentice is the free PLE version.
Other core software includes Renderman, Nuke, Unreal, Blender, Katana.
What follows is a small list of books we recommend (all should be in the library so there is no need to purchase them).
Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques. Rick Parent 2002 Morgan Kaufmann
OpenGL Programming Guide. Mason, Woo et Al 2001 Addison Wesley
Computer Graphics using OpenGL F.S. Hill Jr. 3rd Edition Prentice Hall
Essential Renderman Fast Ian Stephenson 2nd Edition Springer
Advanced Renderman Apodaca, Gritz Morgan Kaufmann
Texturing and Modelling a procedural approach 3rd Edition Ebert et al AP Professional
Digital Lighting and Rendering Jeremy Birn New Riders.
Sight, Sound, Motion; Applied Media Aesthetics Herbert Zettl Wadsworth
Complete Maya Programming D Gould Morgan Kaufmann
Geometry for Computer Graphics John Vince Springer
Production Rendering Design and Implementation Ian Stephenson Springer