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Lighting Tools

The following tool is based on the median cut algorithm presented here the implimentation was originally written by MSc student Peter Lewis as a maya plugin, it has now been turned into a Qt application.



src code for system is here (needs OpenEXR libs installed amd Qt 4). It is installed in the labs in /public/bin so you only need to run the program MedianCutQt.

Import Scripts

Maya Import Xsi Import Houdini Import (right mouse click to save as)

Each of these scripts contain a function called ReadLightMap the Maya and XSI versions have two parameters

filename :- the absolute path and name of the lightmap file to load

groupname :- the name of the group to assign the lights too.

The XSI version takes only 1 parameter as it has a file selection dialog for getting the file.

To use the script copy the whole function into the python editor of your application and accept it.

To run the script do the following in the python shell



Using the system

We start with an exr light probe image as shown below

This produces the following map (not used in rendering but shows the light partitions and positions)



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