Plane Member List

This is the complete list of members for Plane, including all inherited members.
draw(const std::string &_shaderName, ngl::TransformStack &_transformStack)Plane
drawSphere(const std::string &_shaderName, ngl::TransformStack &_transformStack)Plane
getFirstV() const Plane [inline]
getIsHit() const Plane [inline]
getSecondV() const (defined in Plane)Plane [inline]
getThirdV() const (defined in Plane)Plane [inline]
Plane(ngl::Vector _p0, ngl::Vector _p1, ngl::Vector _p2)Plane
rayPlaneIntersect(Ray &_ray)Plane
reset(ngl::Vector _v0, ngl::Vector _v1, ngl::Vector _v2)Plane
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