Wing 323 - Gamepad Version  V1.0
Orc Member List
This is the complete list of members for Orc, including all inherited members.
calcDistFromPlayer()Enemy [inline]
calcIsWithinFiringDist()Orc [inline]
changeHealth(int _health)Enemy [inline]
destroySelfDelay(float _time)Enemy [inline]
die(string _deathAnim, float _timeToDestroySelf)Enemy [inline, virtual]
duckAndReload(string _duckAnim, float _duckAnimSpeed, float _reloadTime)Orc [inline]
fireGun()Orc [inline]
getHealth()Enemy [inline]
goBerserk(float _sprintSpeed, string _sprintAnim, float _sprintAnimSpeed)Enemy [inline, virtual]
LoadNextBullet()Orc [inline]
m_berserkSound (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_berserkSoundPlayed (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_currentSoundEffect (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_deathSound (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_distFromPlayer (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_firingRange (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_health (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_hitSound (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_idleSound (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_isGoingBerserk (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_maxHealth (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
m_nextWaypoint (defined in Enemy)Enemy [protected]
playSoundEffect(AudioClip _soundEffect, bool _isLooping)Enemy [inline, virtual]
playSoundEffect(string _animation, AudioClip _soundEffect, bool _isLooping)Enemy [inline, virtual]
spawnWaypoint()Enemy [inline, virtual]
Start()Orc [inline]
takeHitDamage(string _bodypartHit)Enemy [inline, virtual]
Update()Orc [inline]
wander(string _walkAnim, float _walkAnimSpeed)Enemy [inline, virtual]
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