The following list / links show what software is installed in the NCCA labs, this is in addition to the standard lab build of animation software we use in the main teaching. Most of this has been built from source and can be used in your own projects.
Cuda Parallel programming and compute platform
Qt 5 is installed in /opt/Qt5.9.0/ and qtcreator is in /opt/qtcreator You will need to add them to your path to get them to work
Most of the development libraries and headers are placed in /usr/local so you will need to adjust paths accordingly in your projects.
OpenMesh data structures for meshes
GLFW (1 and 2) library for creating OpenGL context similar to SDL
PTEX ptex development libraries
OpenSubDiv pixars subdivision surface library
GLM OpenGL template lib for maths / primitives
assimp asset import library
OpenFrameworks Framework library for creative coding
OpenNI frame work for sensors (Kinect etc)
QHull various triangulation tools
libNoise library for coherent noise generation
SMPEG audio framework
OpenAL Soft audio framework
SDL 2.0 (and 1.x) multimedia framework for games this includes all the supporting libs and python libs
OpenColour I/O colour manegment
TinyXML 2 small C++ xml parser
OOIP Object Oriented Input System
POCO network libraries
Box2D 2d physics library
zlib compression library
fltk fast light toolkit gui framework
CTL the colour transform language
OpenEXR C++ and python binding for EXR image formats
CGAL Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
Threading Building Blocks threading lib from intel
CPP Unit unit testing for c++
jemalloc concurrent memory allocation
OpenVDB Volume data lib
Field3d Voloume data lib
PartIO particle i/o lib from Diseny
ODE Open Dynamics Engine Physics
Bullet Physics Physics Engine
PointCloud Library library for point clouds
OpenKinect library for accessing kinect sensors
OpenCV Open computer vision library
Alembic IO animation data transfer lib
Eigen C++ template library for linear algebra