Sai Raghunandan
Multi Agent System with Artificial Intelligence
MSc Thesis: Multi Agent System with Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence in such is a vast area with various branches and methods to implement.
Simulation of an environment where there are different agents interacting communicating
and responding comprises a multi agent system.Implementing such a system with robust
communication system taking care of the message encapsulation and bandwidth has always
been a challenge. This project is one of those attempts to simulate an environment
with multiple agents with different AI behavior. A simple pong game was implemented
as a setup to the system and finally a simple maze game with the multi agent environment is simulated.
Project Demo - The Environment with Graph Nodes
Project Demo - Agents Obstacle avoidance
Project Demo - Agents Collisions
Project Demo - Agents Maze Solving
Project Demo - Agents Chasing the user controlled Agent
Project Demo - The Maze Game
Project Demo - The Initial Setup
Screen Shots
Agents: Red-White-Green: Artificial Agents Blue: User Controlled

The Pong Court with Bounding Box

The Ball agent colliding with the Player Agent

The Graph network comprising the nodes on which the agents traverse

The Edges connecting the nodes
The Agents avoiding Collisions with each other
The Maze with all the Game Entities